N. N. Light

Feb 20, 20182 min

Will Niccolo be Forever Drawn Into the Darkness, Like Arthur? The Bishop's Legacy by @LincolnjCo

Title: The Bishop's Legacy (World of Shadows Book 3)

Author: Lincoln Cole

Genre: Paranormal, Occult, Thriller

Book Blurb:

Everything is falling apart for Niccolo Paladina as his mistakes come back to haunt him. He's been reminded once more that the shadowy world in which Arthur inhabits is not his own.

He is ready to face the consequences for his actions, but not until he has dealt with the threat he's helped to create. Things are getting desperate, though, and they are worried that more people will be hurt before they can bring things to an end.

My Review:

Father Niccolo Paladina’s world is crumbling around him as past mistakes smack him upside the head. Even though the Bishop is long gone, his legacy is ready to enact revenge upon Father Niccolo. Niccolo and Arthur join the Hunters to track down the powerful Vatican children to stop them. But it’s becoming harder to stop such evil. Will Niccolo stand on the side of faith or will he be forever drawn in the darkness, like Arthur?

The Bishop’s Legacy picks up right from the second book in the series left off (classic Lincoln Cole). This being the final book in the trilogy, there’s a lot on the line and the stakes couldn’t be greater. Peppered with intense dramatic scenes and emotional dialogue, I couldn’t stop reading. Fast-paced plot where I didn’t know what was going to happen next, The Bishop’s Legacy is a must-read! Cole bridges the gap between two series seamlessly (unlike other authors) which I loved. The climatic conclusion makes the reader want more. A brilliant book and one I highly recommend!

** This review is shorter than usual because I won’t reveal spoilers. Sorry, you’ve just gotta read it for yourself. **

My Rating: 5 stars

Buy it now:

Amazon US https://www.amazon.com/Bishops-Legacy-World-Shadows-Book-ebook/dp/B077G7J1Z2

Amazon CA https://www.amazon.ca/Bishops-Legacy-World-Shadows-Book-ebook/dp/B077G7J1Z2

Amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bishops-Legacy-World-Shadows-Book-ebook/dp/B077G7J1Z2

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36468669-the-bishop-s-legacy

Author Biography:

Hi! My name is Lincoln Cole. I've written dozens of horror novels, space operas, technothrillers, and even a couple of literary novels about social issues in America. I love to tell ridiculous and fun stories that are full of action and adventure. If you would like to sign up for my newsletter and receive news and special offers, then please head over to https://www.lincolncole.net and give me your email address!

Social Media Links:

Website https://www.lincolncole.net

Twitter https://twitter.com/LincolnjCole

Reviewed by: Mrs. N
