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Book Recommendation | The Loudon Series by @LucindaRace #womensfiction #bookish #RomanceGems

N. N. Light

The Loudon Series is a must read for fans of small town romance with strong women and the strong men who love them.

This series has it all; second chances, starting over, first love, big life changes and of course happily ever afters.

Toss in a couple of weddings and a new baby, what else could keep you turning the page?

Title Between Here and Heaven

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

Can a shattered heart become whole? Cari is struggling to deal with overwhelming grief after the unexpected death of the love of her life, Ben. Left to raise their three young children Cari must find a way to rebuild their lives. After her husband's spirit visits, encouraging her to move on, she toys with the idea of opening a coffee shop. Known for her baking talents on impulse she posts flyers around town, accepting orders for holiday baking. To her surprise, orders flood in. With a little help from her best friend, Grace and her family, a long dormant dream starts to take shape. As Cari emerges slowly from the sidelines of her life will she find the way to show her children life goes on and true love never dies.


Cari’s heart skipped a beat. Ben was waiting at the altar for her. He was devastatingly handsome, the proverbial tall, dark and handsome. His tuxedo skimmed his lean, muscular build. She could tell by his stance that he was impatient for her to walk down the flower-strewn aisle. As she drew closer, she saw him take a deep, ragged breath, his deep blue eyes locked on hers.

Ben’s best man, Art, poked him and whispered something. He nodded. He reached out for her hand, and they turned to the minister. As she and Ben stood side by side, she made a silent vow she would spend all her days making him happy.

The ceremony was a blur until the minister said, "Benjamin McKenna, do you take this woman, Cari Riley, to be your wife?"

Ben replied in a deep, rich voice. "I do."

"And Cari Riley, do you take Benjamin McKenna as your husband?"

She squeezed his hand and giggled. "I do."

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Ben, you may kiss your bride."

Applause rang out over the couple as Ben placed his hands on both sides of her face and pulled her in for the kiss to seal their marriage.

"Sweetheart,” he whispered for her ears only, “our life begins.”

The remainder of the day whizzed by. Cari wasn’t sure if they had eaten or who they had talked to, but the day was filled with love and laughter. When it was time, they slipped away to change clothes before heading to their honeymoon on Cape Cod.

Cari twirled one last time in her dress before Ben undid the buttons and long zipper.

"Ben, I can't wait until we get back and set up our apartment. It's going to be so much fun!"

Ben perched on the edge of the narrow bed and watched his new bride step out of her dress and the layers of petticoats before tossing everything over the vanity chair.

"Cari, you are so beautiful. Come here." Ben’s voice was thick with emotion.

Cari's heart hammered in her chest. She slowly crossed the room to stand before him, barefoot, wearing a tiny slip…


"Mom, where are you?"

Cari was jolted back to the present. Her oldest daughter, Kate, demanded her attention. She closed the cover on the wedding album and locked the flood of memories away.

Author Biography

I’m a small-town girl who has always loved books, well I should say anything sandwiched between two covers. As a kid, I would read anything I could get my hands on, including my brothers Hardy Boys mystery books and my mother’s Good Housekeeping magazine.

My husband and I live in a small town in western Massachusetts with our two little fur babies, Jasper and Griffin. When I’m not working my day job I steal every free moment I can for writing romance. It smooths out the rough edges of the world when I can escape into my characters’ lives and write their happily ever after.

Although the Loudon Series featuring the McKenna family is my first published work in romantic fiction, I’ve written non-fiction blog posts for a non-profit. I can assure you, romance is so much more fun and rewarding!

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Book + Main Lucinda Race

Title Lost and Found

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

Fifteen years ago, Cari McKenna survived the devastating loss of her husband, Ben. Despite having wonderful family and friends, as well as a thriving business, there is emptiness in her heart.

Ray Davis has been a good friend and neighbor to Cari since their kids were toddlers, sharing the struggles of single parenthood. Ray has spent years waiting for Cari to be ready for more than friendship.

Ellie and Kate McKenna are determined to give their mother a helping hand into the dating pool in the hopes that Cari finds romance and love. But someone from the past comes back to town and changes the McKenna and Davis families forever.

Book Trailer


Cari’s street was just ahead, and relief coursed through her. The road was inundated with water. Lightly tapping the brakes, she turned left onto Maple Street, just as it was plunged into darkness. Anxious to get home safely, she drove slowly down the street, avoiding the debris and dodging the trees as they bent low, kissing the ground. The bright headlights swept over the driveway as she pulled up to the garage door. She waited impatiently for it to open wide enough to get the car stowed inside. “Oh shoot. No electricity.”

Cari parked the car in the downpour and dashed to the back door, firmly slamming it behind her. Leaning against it, she took deep breaths to steady her pulse as the hair on her arms stood on end. A thunderous crack rang out, immediately followed by a large bolt of lightning that illuminated the room. Oh, no, she thought, realizing that what had been struck was very close to where she stood. She felt the house shudder and then—deafening silence.

Cari pulled herself together and crossed the room. As she peered out the kitchen window, she was shocked to discover that the large pine tree, which had dominated the backyard, was now resting on the roof of her house. It had split down the middle and hefty chunks of the trunk and branches covered the ground. The sunroom was in shambles, and shards of glass and wood splinters littered the floor. Stunned, she stared at the carnage as the sun broke through the dark, heavy cloud cover.

“For crying out loud, Ben, look at what your stupid tree did! I told you not to plant it so close to the house. They grow about a foot per year, so that means your tiny tree grew into a twenty-five-foot monster,” Cari screamed.

Cari flung open the back door and stepped into the heavily pine-scented air. For a brief second, she inhaled deeply, savoring the cool, fresh air the storm had left after washing away the oppressive heat.

She gingerly picked her way through the branches that peppered the lawn.

“Ben, what are we going to do? One side of the house is devastated,” she cried. “I’ll call Shane. This mess needs heavy equipment. I’m sure he’ll bring the guys over to clean it up.”

Ray glanced out the dining room window, curious if he could see what got struck by lightning. To his surprise, his neighbor was standing in front of a large tree, which had become a part of her house. Her long slender hands flew through the air as she carried on an animated conversation with the tree. Ray pulled on his work boots and headed over to see what he could do to help.

Cari was intently surveying the damage and muttering to herself as Ray came over. He could tell she hadn’t heard him, so he cleared his throat and ventured, “Ah, Cari, are you okay?”

Cari turned, relieved to see Ray standing three feet away from her. At six-foot-three, he towered over her. She jammed her hands into her front jean pockets, feeling foolish for having been caught talking to herself.

Title The Journey Home

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

Abby's never been a mother until she accepts guardianship of her nephew. With nowhere left to turn, Abby returns to her hometown of Loudon with her late sister's son. Losing her sister and parents within months of each other is too much to bear. Thankfully, her parents never sold the family's home where she grew up. Packing up everything she and Devin own, they leave their sadness behind to start over. Desperate to give Devin more family, Abby trusts his paternal grandparents with their first overnight visitation. When the worst happens, and they disappear with Devin, Abby doesn't know how she'll survive another loss. Shane had chosen to date but never fall in love. The pain of losing his father at a young age was hard, but watching his mother suffer the loss of the man she loved was worse. He decided never to put anyone in the same position. When Abby and her nephew move back, the attraction he felt for her years ago simmers. But dating Abby means also developing a relationship with the child. Shane makes the unilateral decision to break things off with Abby before anyone gets hurt, including him.


The McKenna-Davis clan pulled up in front of the old Stevens place. Abby and Devin were likely inside because Abby’s car was in the driveway and the baby’s stroller was sitting outside the back door. Cari took the lead and knocked firmly on the door. As the family waited in the yard, Shane, Jake, and Ray discussed what should be the first priority. Kate and Ellie stood guard over the coolers, and Sara sat in the car.

Abby pulled open the door. “Hi, Cari. This is a nice surprise.”

Kate and Ellie popped around the corner, carrying a couple of paper bags. “Hey, Abs, welcome back. We’re your housewarming party on steroids.” Kate laughed at the confused look on Abby’s face.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand. Please, come inside.” Abby pushed the door open, leading the way into the sunny kitchen. Devin was strapped into his highchair, happily shoving pieces of squished banana on his little hand into his mouth.

Cari took a couple of bags from Ellie after placing the potted plant on the back step. Kate dropped the last of the bags on the table. Ellie went to the car to help Sara as she waddled into the house. Curious, Abby trailed after Ellie to the front of the house. She studied the four men discussing the branches that were touching her house.

“Um, guys, what are you doing?” Abby inquired.

Shane turned to speak, and his eyes came to rest on Abigail Stevens standing in front of him, hands on her hips. This was not the scrawny girl who used to hang out with his sister; this girl was heartstoppingly gorgeous. Her strawberry-blonde hair was cropped close to her neck, and fringe bangs graced her smoky gray-blue eyes. Abby had developed curves in all the places a man could use to hold her close. His eyes drifted to her deep red inviting lips. In his mind, he felt them yield under the crush of his mouth. His daydream was abruptly interrupted by a shove from Jake.

“Snap out of it, man, before she catches you staring,” Jake whispered in his ear.

Shane brought himself back to the present and awkwardly stuck his hand out. “Hi, Abigail. I’m not sure if you remember me, Shane McKenna, Kate’s brother.”

“Of course, I do; you used to tease us every chance you got, and it’s Abby.” Abby reached out to shake his hand but was distracted by the shock she received as their hands met. She withdrew it quickly and tucked it into the front pocket of her jean shorts.

“Hi, Abby. I’m Jake, and this is my dad, Ray Davis,” Jake made the introductions since Shane was obviously speechless.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jake. Your dad and I met the other day at Cari’s shop. So, what are you doing out here besides scoping out my trees?”

Cari and the girls came out to the porch just as Abby started asking questions. Sara settled comfortably onto the glider.

Cari walked down the steps and slipped her arm through the crook of Abby’s. “The other day, you told me about moving back into your parents’ place. After you left, Ray and I started talking about how long it’s been closed up, and we thought you might be in need of a hand, or a bunch of hands, to get things settled. So here we are, just some old friends stopping by to help out.”

Title The Last First Kiss

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

Broken hearted and jobless, Kate returns to her hometown. A huge fight and break up with her boyfriend the night before an interview for her dream job at a five-star restaurant, Kate shows up late. After being told that is the one reason she won't be considered Kate is devastated. Feeling alone and lost, her career under-baked she heads home. Taking over the kitchen at the small bakery and café her mother owns, Kate bandages her heart and starts to cook her way out of heartbreak. Until, Don rolls into town. Don fears he's pushed Kate, the woman he adores, away permanently. He shows up in her hometown and declares his love asking for forgiveness. When Kate shuts him down, it's time to put his heart on the line and do more than just talk. Maybe the time has come for Kate to embrace the future and have faith she'll find her happily ever after with the man she loves.

Book Trailer


It had started over a casual dinner, talking about Kate’s upcoming interview as an assistant chef in Boston. It was an amazing opportunity. Kate had dreamed of moving to a city after graduation from culinary school. She had already delayed the interview to spend some time with Donovan Price, the handsome wine salesman from Crystal Lake Winery. They had gone down state to Newport for the day and sat on a bench overlooking the ocean. It was peaceful. The sky was azure blue and the blue green waves crashed against the rocky shoreline. In the mid day sun there was a light salty breeze to keep them cool. The couple held hands cherishing the moment. They went to dinner at their favorite pub and then it happened. The fight. The couple drove back to Kate’s college apartment in silence.

Don intended to help her finish packing the last of the boxes. “Kate,” Don was going to try again, “Why don’t you skip the interview in Boston? I know a couple of restaurant owners and you could get a job closer to my family’s home. We could see each other every weekend. I know during the week it would be tough since I’m on the road, but weekends we could explore the countryside and do whatever.”

“Don, I’ve busted my back the last four years for an opportunity to even get an interview like this and you want me to cancel and move to a small town I’ve visited a couple of times, and work where exactly, for someone who hires me as a favor to you? I don’t think so.” Kate threw books into an open box, “Why did you wait until tonight to bring this up? Were you afraid of what I would say?”

Don was surprised at Kate’s anger. To him this was the next logical step, to live closer and spend more time together, to see if they had what it would take for forever. “Kate, I’m sorry. I thought you’d be happy to live in the same town, instead of stringing a couple of days together every few weeks.”

“I’m not angry you want to spend more time with me but your solution is for me to relocate. Why don’t you move to where I live, is that too much to ask?” Kate’s anger was at a rolling boil. With hands on her hips, she faced him. “Are you saying that if I don’t move to Philbrick or somewhere in close proximity that we’re through?”

“That isn’t what I said, stop putting words in my mouth. With my sales territory, getting to Boston won’t be any easier than Providence. I want to spend more time with you to see where our relationship might go but we can’t do that if we are a couple of hundred miles apart.”

“Considering I have no intention of cancelling my interview on the off chance that one of your friends will hire me this conversation is over. I would like you to leave. NOW!”

“Kate, you’re overreacting. We can keep seeing each other.”

Kate folded the top of the box and shoved it to one side.

“Kate! Look at me. Talk to me!” Don pleaded with her. “I don’t want us to break up.”

The temperature in the room plunged with each passing minute. Don made one last attempt, “Kate, please.” Getting nowhere he turned on his heal and left.

Once she heard the door shut, Kate rushed over, turned the deadbolt, and dropped to the floor.

Don stood on the other side and could hear the heart-wrenching sobs.

Title Ready to Soar

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

Kate has it all; the man she loves and her dream job as a chef, until her life begins to crumble. When Kate's father-in-law suffers a heart attack the couple is summoned to Crystal Lake Winery. Kate and Don are struggling to have a baby and upon returning to the family home in Crystal Lake Kate fears Don may have fathered a child, one he has no idea about. With her life up in the air the ghost of Kate's dad appears. Can he guide her before her future slips, like wine, through her fingers? Donovan Price walked away from the family's prosperous winery to marry the woman he loved. When his father is forced to retire as CEO, the reins of running the business are thrust upon him. With his passion for the wine business reignited, Don believes he can have it all, the wife he adores and the career he thought he'd lost.

Peyton, a young beautiful single mother has a secret she has carried since the night her son was conceived. Can the boy's paternity derail Kate and Don's future?


Kate surveyed the backseat. Two tote bags and a small cooler. She thought of the larger suitcase in the trunk. Why did she always need to overpack? They were only going for a couple of days. Thankfully, Don didn’t care how many bags she took. At the beginning of married life, he learned Kate didn’t travel anywhere light.

“Don, if you’re ready, I think we have everything.”

“Just a minute,” he called. Don jiggled the door handle to make sure it was locked and jogged down the walk. “Do you mind driving? I don’t think I can concentrate on the road.” He ran a hand over his blonde crew cut. “Kate, I’m scared. What if something is seriously wrong with my dad? He isn’t getting any younger and he still works the fields like he’s my age.”

Kate slid behind the driver’s seat, adjusting her belt. “Don’t borrow trouble. Your dad is strong and stubborn. His body might be giving him a warning to slow down a bit but I don’t think it will be anything he can’t manage.” Kate gave Don’s hand a reassuring tug.

“I know you’re right. I can’t help but worry. We’ve never been summoned home before.” Don turned to face the window. He didn’t want Kate to see the tears in his eyes.

Kate turned the key and the car purred to life. After backing out of the driveway she headed toward the highway, doing her best not to worry. The sounds of gentle snoring drew Kate’s attention. It was good he was sleeping. The next few days promised to be stressful. The miles steadily clicked away while the jazz station kept her company.

Don shook the fog from his brain as the familiar site of his childhood home came into focus. How long had he been asleep? He drank in the beauty of his wife, eyes closed, behind the wheel.

“Honey?” Don whispered.

Kate smiled. “You don’t need to whisper. I’m not sleeping, just waiting for you to wake up.”

“How long have we been here?” Don looked around, wondering where everyone was hiding.

“Just a few minutes. I wanted to enjoy our last moments of calm before the family . . .” Kate didn’t finish her sentence before the front door opened and Sherry ran down the porch steps.

Sherry approached the car with a wave and a smile. “I just heard the car. I am so relieved you’re here, and your father will be thrilled.”

Don greeted his mother with a warm bear hug. “Hi, Mom. How’s Dad feeling?”

“He’s doing much better, and if the tests look good he can come home tomorrow.” Sherry turned to Kate. “You look lovely, dear.” Sherry embraced Kate with genuine affection. “Come inside. I’m sure you could use something to drink after the trip.”

Sherry led the way as Kate grabbed a tote bag and her purse. Don took the other tote and cooler and retrieved the suitcase from the trunk. Following close behind the women Don scanned the fields. Everything seemed to be in fine shape. He turned his attention to what his mother was saying, hoping for a clue as to why they had been summoned.

Title Love in the Looking Glass

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

After losing her father at the tender age of five years old, Ellie is determined to protect her heart from further pain. Even as an adult, Ellie has kept any man at arm's length by burying herself in her career. Soon after the grand opening of The Looking Glass, an intruder attacks Ellie and vandalizes her beloved gallery, including slashing Ellie's most prized painting on loan from the famous Winifred Simpson. Is someone trying to shatter Ellie's dream just as she begins to live it? Can the mysterious Padraic Stone be trusted to solve the mystery and protect Ellie from further harm or is he responsible for what has happened?


Ellie looked at the clock for the third time in ten minutes. She was banging on the computer keys when the small bell on the door chimed. Ellie froze, unable to breathe. The man who walked in couldn’t possibly be a photographer. He looked like he belonged in front of a camera lens.

The man was tall and his biceps strained the fabric of his black, short sleeve button-down shirt. He wore form-fitting, black jeans and well-worn black cowboy boots. Amber eyes were framed by chestnut brown hair, which curled at the collar. Deep dimples appeared as he smiled.

Grasping Ellie’s hand with a firm, cool grip, he said, “Hello, I’m Padraic Stone.”

His deep baritone voice caused her insides to quake.

“You must be Eleanor McKenna?”

Stunned by the pure physical reaction to this man, Ellie nodded mutely. Taking his outstretched hand, she was taken aback by the electricity that surged through her as their skin touched. She looked down. Turning her hand over, she expected to see it red, evidence of the burning sensation.

“Yes, I’m Eleanor McKenna,” she continued. “But everyone calls me Ellie.”

“Since our relationship has become instantly casual, please, call me Pad.” He cocked his head. “Did I come at a bad time? You seem to be preoccupied.”

“Oh no, not at all. I was just,” she pointed to the screen, “you know, working. Always paperwork to do in business and this one is no exception. You’re probably not aware, but my grand opening was last night, and I was checking the sales. Surprisingly we did a brisk business. My stepdad was in charge of the cash register so I had no idea…” Ellie stopped mid-sentence, realizing she was babbling.

“Well enough about all of that. Let’s talk about your work and if we’re a good fit for each other.” Ellie blushed crimson, wishing she could retract that last statement. “I mean if my gallery would be suitable for your photos.”

Ellie felt Pad’s eyes study her as she rambled on. Her hand touched the back of her hair, secured in a chignon. A few tendrils had escaped curling around her face.

Pad said, “Did you have an opportunity to check my website? I left several prints in the car. If you’d like I’ll go get them. You can choose what you’d like to display, if any.”

Ellie stepped from behind the counter. She was used to men giving their eyes free rein at her expense. She stood tall, straightened her shoulders, and said, “I would like to see your photos. Shall I come with you?”

“No, I’ll bring them in.”

“Then let’s go into the kitchen. You can lay the prints on the table. It will be easier to get the full effect without all the distractions in the main room.” Ellie led the way and gestured to the carafe. “Coffee?”

Padraic poured himself a cup while Ellie studied each photo. She could hear his fingers tapping on the edge of the cup. She tried to ignore him as she immersed herself in each image before moving to the next.

Title Magic in the Rain

Author Lucinda Race

Genre Women’s Fiction

Publisher MC Two Press

Book Blurb

After a cryptic letter appears in her mailbox and flowers are delivered anonymously, Dani Michaels’ secret past threatens to collide with her future. Out of options and tired of running Dani confesses the danger she’s in to her friends.

With her best friend, Ellie McKenna, by her side, Dani finds help from Loudon’s finest policemen, namely Ellie’s fiancé, Pad Stone, and his partner, Paul Greene. As Dani is dragged deeper into the danger zone, Ellie, Pad and Paul are determined to save her. Will the smoldering sparks ignite between Dani and the handsome Officer Greene allowing her to have the future she’s longed for or will her past destroy her future?


Dani jiggled the knob. Satisfied the café door was secured, she paused to check her reflection in the window. Being a brunette suits me. She ran her fingers through her shoulder-length curls. I guess that’s why I was born one. I’ll keep this color for a while. I’m tired of not recognizing myself in the mirror.

After taking the stairs two at a time, she pushed open her apartment door. Stepping out of her clogs, she left them by the door. She flopped onto the sofa and propped her feet up onto the coffee table. Sorting through the mail, she said, “Junk, bill, junk…” She turned the square, cream-colored envelope over. There was no return address. She lifted the envelope to her nose. The distinct musk smell was faint but unmistakable. Dani’s heart quickened.

“It can’t be.”

She dropped the envelope onto the table as if it burned her fingers, staring at it.

“I’m not going to open it. It’s going in the trash.”

She dropped it on top of the garbage and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Taking a long drink, she watched the envelope out of the corner of her eye, as if expecting it to come to life.

Curiosity got the best of her. She retrieved it from the trash. She ripped open the envelope. A strangled laugh filled the small room. Why was she afraid of a silly puppy card? She flipped it open.

Looking forward to seeing you again. It was unsigned. But the handwriting… “Derek.”

She ripped the card and envelope into tiny pieces and buried it at the bottom of the can.

Dani was strolling up the sidewalk when she noticed a cop car sitting outside Ellie’s. Concerned, she walked faster.

Almost jogging up the driveway, Dani relaxed when she heard deep male laughter. Ellie wasn’t alone. Ever since Ellie had been attacked last year, Dani had been on edge, despite the fact that the person responsible was locked up.

Giving a sharp rap on the door, Dani called out hello and walked in. This was the norm after Ellie had admonished Dani about standing on formality when dropping by.

“Come on in, we’re in the family room,” Dani heard Ellie call out.

She set the cupcake box on the counter and went down the hallway toward the back of the house. She was taken aback when she discovered a police officer in uniform sitting in the chair.

“Am I interrupting anything?” Dani asked.

“Not at all,” Pad said. “My new partner, Paul, stopped over.” Ellie looked from Dani to Paul. “Have you two met?”

Dani shook her head. “No.”

Paul stood up. “Yes, we met last year when Ellie was attacked and I’ve been in What’s Perkin’ many times.” Extending his hand, he said, “Paul Greene, at your service, Miss?”

“Dani Michaels.” Dani withdrew her small hand from his firm handshake. “I work at What’s Perkin’.”

“So, you’re the one responsible,” Paul teased.

Dani’s heart raced. “I’m sorry. Responsible?”

“The extra miles I’ve had to run. Your cupcakes are fantastic, and I’m a huge fan. Pad has brought some to the station from time to time. I think it’s when he feels sorry for the boys in blue, to be honest.”

Dani reminded herself to breathe. Paul Greene, despite his slender frame, dirty blond hair, and his boyish good looks, was Ellie and Pad’s friend. He must be a good guy.

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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