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New Release | A Beggar’s Bargain by Jan Sikes #historicalfiction #histfic #fiction #newrelease

N. N. Light

Title:   A Beggar’s Bargain


Author   Jan Sikes


Genre    Historical Fiction, Mainstream Fiction


Publisher Fresh Ink Group


Book Blurb


A shocking proposal that changes everything.


Desperate to honor his father’s dying wish, Layken Martin vows to do whatever it takes to save the family farm.


Once the Army discharges him following World War II, Layken returns to Missouri to find his legacy in shambles and in jeopardy. A foreclosure notice from the bank doubles the threat. He appeals to the local banker for more time—a chance to rebuild, plant, and harvest crops and time to heal far away from the noise of bombs and gunfire.


Only the banker firmly denies his request. Now what?


Then, the banker makes an alternative proposition—marry his unwanted daughter, Sara Beth, in exchange for a two-year extension. Out of options, money, and time, Layken agrees to the bargain.


Now, he has two years to make a living off the land while he shares his life with a stranger.

If he fails at either, he’ll lose it all.




Sara Beth stole a covert glance at the man, now her husband, driving the rusty pickup that rattled over every bump. It was a far cry from the smooth ride of her father’s Chrysler.


She clutched Cuddles and sat close to the door, putting as much distance as possible between them.


His strong jawline spoke of a quiet sort of pride. He had kind eyes. That was particularly comforting. And he hadn’t raised his voice when he’d issued the strong warning to her father. The muscles in his arms told her he was no stranger to hard work. But he was a bit too lean. Perhaps he hadn’t been eating much.


When he shot her a glance, she quickly swiveled toward the window.


“What’s your bunny’s name?’ he drawled.


“Cuddles.” Her heart thudded. She prayed he wasn’t about to insist that she make him into a stew.


‘Is Cuddles a boy or girl?”




“Seems pretty special to you.”


Cuddles chose that moment to hop out of Sara Beth’s arms and onto the seat. She reached for him. “Sorry.”


“Sorry for what?”


“He got out of my arms.”




“So, my father would have tried to toss him out the window.”


Layken rubbed the bunny’s long ears, then angled toward her. “Let’s get one thing straight here and now. I’m not your father. I’m nothing like him. From what I’ve seen, he’s a poor excuse for a man. He should be ashamed of the way he treats you.”


Surprised at his declaration, she whispered, “Thank you.”


Steering the pickup onto the side of the road, he pulled to a stop and twisted around on the seat, resting one arm on the steering wheel. “Sara Beth, look at me.”


She forced herself to meet his steel gray-blue eyes.


“You need to hear from my perspective why I agreed to this forced marriage. My family settled here in the 1800s. They cleared the land by hand, planted crops, fought natives and outlaws to keep it, and built a home. I am the sole heir to that land. When I returned from the Army only a couple of days ago, I discovered my father left me a debt when he died. Your father threatened foreclosure.”


“If you didn’t marry me,” Sara Beth interrupted quietly.  


“Yes. That’s about it. So, I see this as a partnership. We’re in it together. I want you to know you’re free to do whatever you want. I am not your husband except on paper.”


Her chin quivered, and she fought against hot tears. “I won’t be any trouble to you, Mr. Martin.”


“Layken. I’m not Mr. Martin to you. I’m Layken, and you’re Sara Beth to me.”


“Layken,” she repeated his name, letting the sound of it roll off her tongue. “This is all so awkward.”


“For me too. But let’s start as friends. I make no demands on you. I will not share a marriage bed with you. You’ll have your own room, your privacy. And as I said before, I promise I will not hurt you. I only want to rebuild my farm and pay off the debt.” He put the pickup in gear and let off on the clutch. “Let’s go get your things.”


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Author Biography


Jan Sikes writes compelling and creative stories from the heart.

She openly admits that she never set out in life to be an author, although she’s been an avid reader all her life. But she had a story to tell. Not just any story, but a true story that rivals any fiction creation. She brought the entertaining true story to life through fictitious characters in an intricately woven tale that encompasses four books, accompanying music CDs, and a book of poetry and art.


And now, this author can’t put down the pen. She continues to write fiction in a variety of genres, and has published many award-winning short stories and novels.


Jan is an active blogger, a member of Story Empire, a devoted fan of Texas music, and a grandmother of five. She resides in North Texas.


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