Title: A Witch’s Tale – As the Chair Turns, book 4
Author: Eliza March
Genre: Humorous Fantasy Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Delia’s family is back in town, and she’s ready for explanations. Or is she? Preventing the Sea Witch from killing her is her first priority. Aelric made Delia promises she intends to hold him to...Just as soon as he shows up, and she can keep him around long enough to get an explanation out of him…even if it comes down to handcuffing him to her… Hmm, it may come to that. But would she? The idea begins to sound better and better, especially when Delia recalls Ric’s last kiss. Now, if only his evil stepmother and his jealous half brother would stop making Delia’s life miserable. This season, a sexy Frankie, the WEREWOLF, and a confused Delia, have a few mysteries to solve—primarily searching for answers to his curse and her dilemma. All while keeping Frankie’s problem a secret and Delia alive.
A Witch’s Curse - As the Chair Turns (4 book series)
From Book 1: Hair of the WERE
Hi! I'm Delia. Short for Adelaide, which, in my opinion, is too old-fashioned sounding for a young business manager in charge of the poshest salon in Boca. I’m of mixed heritage, exactly what sort, I don't know but at least one side of my family has a musical/theatrical background. At a hundred plus years, my Great Aunt Edna is still performing in a local cabaret and doesn’t look a day over fifty. We all suspect routine nips and tucks, but you’d never know. Her personal trainer and plastic surgeon are magicians. Not euphemistically…really magicians. I know because I’ve recently been dragged into Boca’s dirty local secret. Sam, Edna’s handsome husband is still doing character parts in independent films in Miami. His last role was a gun runner for Werewolves—not much of a box office success, but the subject hit a little too close to home for my comfort. Uncle Sam may not know it, but Boca is a city full of paranormal creatures just fitting in. Shifters, werewolves, witches, vampires. The list goes on. You name it...I never know what I’ll bump into on a quiet afternoon or a dark night. Recently I applied for the very desirable management position at Luna de la Mar Salon and Spa. As it turns out, the fix was in. Just one glitch. They never expected a human to apply. I am not supposed to know about the inner operations of the town where most of the inhabitants aren’t human. I’ve come to realize being human is sometimes an advantage. I keep things operating daily...until the full moon. Then insanity rules. Our employees go batsh$t crazy while I rearrange schedules like a juggler with a dozen balls in the air, and my personal life is turning into a catastrophe. I’m infatuated with two men, and I use that term loosely because at least one is a Werewolf.
The other is a Coast Guard Commander who looks like the god Thor, but I’m playing second fiddle to his career. Uncle Sam, his not mine, is impossible to compete with. My heart throb, Aelric, saved my life then ditched me before our first date. Frankie,' who's not technically my boss is totally hot for me. He claims I’m making too big a deal out of my principles, but I have scruples about mixing business with pleasure. And believe me, hubba hubba, Frankie is definitely that. Pleasure could be his middle name. Truly, our biggest obstacle to a happily ever after are his monthly pack requirements. Frankie is the alpha of the local Weres, and though I’m not usually selfish, I refuse to stand in line with a bunch of female werewolves vying for his attention.
I lead sing with a local beach band. Two things I love: the beach and music. There’s one obstacle standing in my way for now. Due to recently being attacked by an unknown creature…I must get through the next few months without biting or killing anyone, because... Well it's a long story… A Witch’s Curse is part 4 of the ongoing Luna de la Mar series in AS THE CHAIR TURNS.
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Why is your featured book a must-read?
It’s different from my usual fare. After years of writing and hearing people tell authors to write what they know. I did. I’ve owned a major professional product distribution company, a large well-known convention, and a successful salon and spa. Hmm…I also have five unique children. (Now…stable adults.) The children inherited my imagination and sense of humor, and although my husband may argue this…I can be funny. So, I began my imaginary salon and spa series with something I write about often—shifters, paranormal beings, and fantasy. These books have been the most fun I’ve ever written. I hope you enjoy them as much as my readers do.
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Author Biography:
Eliza March worked as assistant librarian during college and lived for time in the reading room. Later, when she became a gossip columnist in the Hamptons, she had plenty of fodder for her stories. Now, the award-winning author known for writing contemporary, paranormal, and fantasy romance with sensual content, also writes everything from soul searing, gut-wrenching love stories to downright ridiculously, humorous romance. Eliza enjoys writing multi-genre stories for her fans who love variety.
Social Media Links:
Read more at Eliza March’s site
Thank you, Eliza, for sharing your book in our Scary Reads for Halloween!