Title: Charm Me
Author: Tena Stetler
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Mystery
Book Blurb:
Summer Dawn Rylie’s an extraordinary elemental witch whose troubled past haunts her. She’s created a calm life for herself teaching yoga and keeping people at a distance. Her life takes a one eighty degree turn when she enrolls in a women’s weapons class and meets ruggedly handsome Devlin Sawyer.
Devlin, a former Navy Seal, has sworn off women after two long-term failed relationships, but there is no denying his attraction to Summer. She intrigues him like no other woman ever has. Despite her attempts to ignore him, Summer is drawn to Devlin. His magic signature is strong, but he’s no warlock. Will Valentine’s Day magic find them a future together?
Summer turned the key in the lock, pushed the door open a crack and listened. Yep, the alarm was counting down. She stepped inside, touched in the code and the beeping ceased. A large cream ball of fur rushed in behind her. “Search,” Summer commanded. The building was dark. Someone forgot to leave the security light on—again. Typical. She’d need to remind the staff of the closing procedures.
Entering the dark, empty building, her heart raced and she wiped her sweaty palms on her pants. Daylight saving time couldn’t come soon enough so the sun would be up when she opened the studio. After the dog checked every corner, nook, and cranny of the room, she returned to Summer’s side, sat and barked once.
“Good girl, Piper,” she said on a sigh. Once Summer’s eyes adjusted to the dark, she sprinted across the room to the light switch, and tripped. Sprawled flat on her face on the floor among fifty scattered unrolled yoga mats, and a dog in her face, she kicked at one rubbery object and slammed her fist into another. Someone had stacked the mats on the wrong side of the room.
Who the hell closed last night? She shook her head and searched for calm. Drawing in a deep cleansing breath, she let it out gradually, temper ebbing away.
Getting to her feet, she brushed the dust from her black yoga pants, tugged at the bottom of her bright orange tunic, and flipped the light switch on. A soft glow of florescent lighting flooded the large room, soothing Summer’s nerves. Guess she would never be the same carefree individual she was before the incident. Oh, shake it off. You’re safe and it’s time to get on with life. “Come on Pip, let’s get this place open.”
A massive stone fireplace towered in the corner. She picked up an arm full of wood and flung it in the general direction. Logs landed in the fire pit and neatly arranged themselves in a tepee shape. With a magic flick of her finger toward the hearth, flames raced up the aspen logs. “That’s better.”
She raised her arms, about to send the yoga mats back to their proper place when the heavy wooden front door creaked open. Piper rushed toward the door, teeth bared and a growl rumbled in her throat. Summer whirled around and yelped as Devlin ambled into the room, black hair tousled and glistening with melting snowflakes. His nonchalance at the dog’s approach surprised her as he slowed to a stop. Piper sniffed around him, backed up a few inches, then stood at alert in front of Devlin.
“You scared the bejeebers out of me.” Summer held her hand to her chest as her heart thundered.
“What are you doing here?”
“Call your guard dog off and I’ll tell you.” The corners of Devlin’s mouth curved up into a smile, a faint light twinkled in the depths of his dark eyes.
“Piper, leave it…come.” The dog gave Devlin a last sideways glance, trotted back to Summer and sat at her side.
“Beautiful Chow and well trained too.”
“She is. Now, what can I do for you?” This is the last thing I need this morning.
“I found my schedule flexible this morning, so swung by to see if you could join me for a cup of coffee. We can discuss the special offer you extended.” Devlin’s smile turned seductive, causing her to blush and look away for a moment. She breathed in his woodsy scent, with just a hint of citrus. Unusual, but quite masculine and refreshing. She liked it.
“Can’t, I’m sorry. It’s my turn to open the studio this morning.”
“A bit prickly in the morning?”
“No.” She paused. “Well, maybe.” There was something about this man. “Could I get a rain check?” She held his gaze for a couple of beats then averted to the tangle of mats.
Piper remained close to Summer’s side eying Devlin suspiciously.
“You’re free to join any yoga class I’m teaching.”
Devlin’s gaze darted from the fireplace to the mats strewn over the floor and settled on Summer. “Sure—But I can do better.” He backed out and held the door open with his foot as he bent down. When the door banged shut, he stood inside with a large insulated cup in each hand that sported a coffee house logo. “I thought you might say that.” He stepped closer waving one of the cups toward her.
She inhaled deeply. “Smells wonderful. A mocha latte? How’d you know?”
“Lucky guess.” Devlin handed her a steaming cup, froth bubbling out the little hole in the top.
He removed the lid from his cup and blew across the hot liquid. After he took a sip, he pointed the cup towards the yoga mats. “Appears the mats were unruly this morning.” His eyes sparkled with amusement as his lips twitched.
“Yeah—well—it happens,” she said with a smirk and took a sip of the steaming liquid then sat the cup on a nearby table. Summer started to pick up the mats, roll them, and stack them in the correct location.
“I see,” Devlin said, a brow arched, he moved to stand in front of the fireplace, his hands held to the warmth. “Nice fire, feels good this morning.” After a few beats, he strode over and began to scoop up the mats, rolling them up as he’d seen her do.
“Thanks, but you don’t need to do that.” Her pulse increased. Did he see me use magic to start the fire? She pushed the thought away.
“It’s purely self-serving. At least this way, I get to spend time with a pretty lady. Even if she refused my offer.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Charm Me is on sale for 99 cents from February 7 – the 21st at Amazon, ibooks, and Barnes & Noble
Universal Link for Story Origin
Universal Link https://books2read.com/u/3GeOPL
Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B018L2U904
Amazon Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B018L2U904
Amazon Canada - http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B018L2U904
ibook/itunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781509204670

What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?
I write paranormal romance/mystery. Why write Romance? For me crafting a romance is all about RESPECT, TRUST and LOVE with a bit of mystery and suspense sprinkled in. Most of my characters are of the paranormal persuasion. I want to create a memorable love story with spice and adventure. Characters that will grab hold of your heart and hang on long after you’ve read the last word and closed the book with a satisfied sigh. Behind the scenes is much more than you'd imagine.
Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:
Listen to your partner, compromise where necessary and pick your battles. You’ll not will all, but not lose all either. Once a month or so, plan a romantic dinner ending with a feel good movie.
Giveaway –
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Runs February 1 – 29, 2024
Drawing will be held on March 1, 2024.

Author Biography:
In Tena’s past lives she’s been a savings and loan branch manager, a paralegal for a criminal law firm, IT Manager for an electrical contracting firm, and now a published writer. After trying on many hats, she finally found the one that fits the best. Or in other words, she loves making things up to entertain others.
Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, magic, and mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Colorado is home; shared with her husband of many moons, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a fifty-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.tenastetler.com
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My Say What Blog - http://www.tenastetler.com/category/my-say-what-blog/
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