Title Devil’s Dominion
Author Virginia Barlow
Genre Paranormal Romance
Publisher The Wild Rose Press
Book Blurb
Even the best-laid plans can falter. Lady Rolayna Seville has one chance to make up for past mistakes, marriage to Baron Rauf Oliveander. Hopeful to appease her powerful father, they journey to seal the contract when they are abducted by a demon warrior and his disciples. Desperate to obtain forgiveness, Rolayna uses every weapon in her arsenal to escape. Dragos, Duke of Dragonthorne has one job, to do whatever is necessary to stop the rebellion, including abducting a powerful duke and his pain in the ass daughter. When the situation deteriorates, his remaining option is to marry her, something he swore he'd never do. The attraction between them is soul-consuming. With the rebels attacking at every turn, Rolayna must choose between her planned future and remaining at the heart of the devil's dominion.
When he lifted his head, she protested. “Dragos.”
His lids dropped over his eyes. “So, you know who holds you.” He set her on her feet, unwrapping her arms from his neck and placing her hands on his chest.
She stood mesmerized by the rippling bronze of his skin, resisting the urge to run her hands over his body like he did hers. She stared at him and licked her lips.
“Does your rebel make you feel the way I do?”
Oh my God, Rauf! What am I doing? Rolayna stiffened and backed away. Without the heat of his body, cold seeped into her bones, and she realized Dragos wore only his breeches. His tunic lay on the ground at their feet.
Her gaze roamed his chest and stopped on the spot where she stabbed him with her hatpin. There should be a wound or a mark, something to herald her attack, but neither were there. Confusion filled her mind. How could he be healed so quick? She stabbed him yesterday. Glancing up at his dark eyes and the hunger within their depths, she remembered her near nakedness. Rolayna shivered, trying desperately to cover herself with her arms.
“I…he…we…do…not…” she stammered.
He smiled. “I saw you together last night, and he wore only his breeches. He desires to have you.”
Her chin lifted, and she stared up at him. “So, you admit he wants me for more than my gold?”
Dragos’ lids dropped over his eyes. “I did not say so.” He picked up his tunic. “Here, put this on.” His gaze flicked over her one more time, lingering on her breasts before he tossed it at her and leaned against a nearby tree with folded arms.
“How did you know where to find me?” The question begged an answer. She calculated her time in the stream at least an hour from the sun’s position. She slipped her arms into the gigantic sleeves and waited for his answer. Her thoughts swirled around her current situation. How could I allow such intimacy? She pushed Rauf away and yet forgot everything with one touch of the devil’s lips.
Dragos gazed at her. His dark slumberous eyes gleamed with wicked knowledge. “Your scent intoxicates me. I breathe and know which direction to find you. I cannot resist your sweet fragrance. So, I follow because I can do nothing else.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/devils-dominion-virginia-barlow/1141765619?ean=9781509244485

Author Biography
I love being an author. It's all about where your characters lead you. I start with a general idea. As the story unfolds, I type as fast as I can in hopes I keep up with my characters. They have had me jotting on napkins, making notes while I'm waiting in a line, and waking me up in the middle of the night. The hard part is always the ending. My characters live with me and when I reach the end of the story, it is hard to say goodbye. Sometimes I let the story sit for a few days to make sure I'm okay with them leaving home to get published. Kind of like when you kids move out. LOL
I enjoy my grandchildren, and the time I share with them. They make me smile with their antics. I like to quilt, crochet, knit and sew. Cooking and baking are occasional itches I scratch. The rest of the time, they are necessary evils. LOL.
My greatest support comes from my husband. He has been my sounding board for all my stories. My daughters are also a great support to me. I couldn't do it without my family.
Social Media Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/virginiabar1031
Website https://www.virginia-barlow.com