Love on the Catwalk
Laura M. Baird
Contemporary Romance, FF romance
Book Blurb:
Up-and-coming fashion designer, Kayli Couture, is ready to walk her own path in the fashion industry and finally go after her desires—that includes voluptuous model, Summer Richardson. Since first seeing her sashay across a stage, Kayli knew her heart would never be the same. Now if she can only set aside her shyness and insecurities when it comes to opening that heart to the possibility of love. Summer Richardson is making her mark as a curvy model in the fashion world. Knowing it won’t last forever, she has plans in place for her future. An instant attraction to Kayli Couture has her reevaluating ... and hoping she can convince the talented pixie that tailored plans can always be altered.
Thinking back on that night caused Kayli to sigh. It’d been fun and surprisingly comfortable to chat and joke with Summer as if they’d been friends their entire lives. She’d attributed that to Summer’s ability to make anyone feel at ease with her gracious and carefree spirit. They’d ended up making three hours seem like mere minutes. In the months since then, they’d seen each other briefly at a New Year’s event and had exchanged only a handful of texts in as many months.
Had it not been for the text from Summer three months ago, alerting Kayli to the change in the submission process for this event, giving her any early ‘in’, this opportunity might have passed her by. Kayli had been forever grateful to Summer, practically telling her every time they’d communicated. Which ended up being at least once a week since.
And thus began their budding friendship.
So why was Kayli so damned anxious tonight? Because this was her moment to shine, and she wanted it to be flawless? Because she had a monster case of imposter syndrome and wasn’t sure she really was good enough?
Because she was tired of suppressing her feelings and was hoping she was reading Summer correctly and maybe she did stand a snowball’s chance in hell with her?
Yeah, that wouldn’t cause her nerves to short-circuit at all.
“Bon sang,” she said to herself, sighing again.
“What are you good griefing about?”
Kayli jumped and barely managed to suppress her yelp when Summer spoke behind her. Damn, she was jittery today. She plastered on her best smile and turned, ready to wave away any concerns. But when she cast her eyes on the vision in front of her, Kayli lost all ability to form a coherent thought, let alone voice intelligible words.
Summer stood before Kayli in one of her favorite designs she’d made specifically with the woman in mind, and even in her wildest dreams she hadn’t imagined how utterly perfect a person could be.
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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?
My favorite part of being a romance author is creating stories that place the reader into that world so they'll experience the fun, the emotions, and the journey. I want them to feel satisfaction, triumph, surprise, and of course, joy. And I want them to say, Laura's writing just keeps getting better and better. ;)
Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:
Listen to the little things your partner says; clue into subtle remarks about what would make them happy – then do it! Whether it's as simple as making their favorite meal or having their vehicle detailed or ensuring every pen they could reach for has black ink because they don't like blue. (Yep, that's a thing in our household.) :) Then there are the intimate elements which don't always have to be about s*x. But should they lead to that, bonus! ...like cuddling while watching a movie together or one partner reading to the other or partner massage. Finding ways to express your love and appreciation through small yet meaningful gestures can go a long way in a relationship.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card.
Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.
Runs February 1 – 28, 2023.
Drawing will be held on March 1, 2023.

Author Biography:
From US Army Sergeant to dental hygienist, and now, romance author, Laura has plenty of experiences from which to draw her inspiration. She's an award winning and best selling author, entering her sixth year of publication with nearly thirty stories to choose from. She loves writing anything and everything, from second chances and military romances; from contemporary to paranormal. She simply loves the challenge of weaving a story readers will enjoy.
Laura resides in the Pacific Northwest of the US with her hubby of over thirty-two years, their two sons and three grand children. When not continuing her work as a dental hygienist two days a week, or writing, or enjoying family... well, that leaves a smidgen of time for reading and watching college football.
She loves engaging, and encourages readers to follow her on their choice of social media platforms as well as sign up for her newsletter to receive all the latest from her author life.
Social Media Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3t12vVe
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/laurambaird
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LauraMBaird
Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/yc2jnwbg