Title: New Wave (The Islands of Anarchy Series, Book 1)
Author: Jennifer Ann Shore
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
Book Blurb:
When seventeen-year-old Mol is caught committing a crime, she kicks and screams her way into a dull existence of servitude in the Authority, the suffocating patriarchal regime that oversees The Network of Islands. Her penance makes her restless, and she soon finds an outlet to direct her attention — the young Commander who is at the root of her unhappiness.
My arms and legs dragged, growing heavier with each movement. I pushed forward, unsure why I felt the weight of my own body in addition to everyone else’s as I continued upward. The sky, a beautiful, tranquil shade of blue, was almost too peaceful to witness this chaos.
The ship rocked violently. The metal was cold beneath my fingertips, but my palms were sweaty and hot, making it difficult to grip the ladder. I had three, maybe four, rungs left until I reached the top to fight back or they started firing again, tearing through my delicate skin as I tumbled to my death. I wasn’t sure what would happen first.
Expletives carried up from the fight below me, just as common to my ears as the steady clanging of firefight. I panicked, realizing the sound wasn’t just from our guns — the enemy resumed their side of the fight, and a few bullets zoomed past me. I pressed my body against the side of the ship, climbing the last few arduous feet.
I pulled myself up toward the steel wall, and a bullet cut through my chest. I keeled over, falling behind the thick barrier. I screamed from the impact, not prepared for the searing white hot pain, then succumbed to the encroaching blackness.
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
The first book in "The Islands of Anarchy" series tells the story of "a brand new female heroine" — as hailed by The Uncorked Librarian — trying to find her place in the world. Along the way, she finds love, self-acceptance, and the true understanding of her own strength.
Giveaway – Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 17 books featured in the Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic Bookish Event: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/92db775098 Open Internationally. Runs February 23 – March 2, 2021. Winner will be drawn on March 3, 2021.

Author Biography:
Jennifer Ann Shore is the award-winning and bestselling author of several fiction books, including "Metallic Red," "The Stillness Before the Start," and "The Extended Summer of Anna and Jeremy."
In her decade of working in journalism, marketing, and book publishing, she has gained recognition for her work from companies such as Hearst and SIIA.
Be sure to visit her website (https://www.jenniferannshore.com) and follow her on Twitter (@JenniferAShore), Instagram (@shorely), or your preferred social media channel to stay in touch.
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