Title: REVVING HER HEART (Book one of the Blacke Brothers series)
Author: Cadence Vonn
Genre: Erotic Romance
Book Blurb:
After the sudden death of Allison Lorde's father in a motorcycle accident, she vows never to love a man who rides the beastly machines. But when a memory from her past rides up on his bike, looking all bad-boy sexy, the sweet promise of a shared kiss long ago makes it difficult to deny his steamy seduction.
Nick Blacke's number one passion is motorcycles until the gangly girl he'd kissed as a teen shows up with womanly curves that beckon to be explored. She seems eager to let him and even embraces his penchant for kink, but when he wants more, he realizes revving her engines might be easier than revving her heart.
They turned into his mother’s driveway. When they entered the back door, a bundle of black fur came bounding at them. The puppy had a white neck and liver-colored face, and the cutest mouth that yapped with a squeaky bark. It shook all over from the excitement of people entering the house.
Allison gasped and squatted down. She embraced the dog and let it lick her face. “Where did you come from? You’re precious.”
Lily entered the kitchen. “My friend, Anne, got her for their granddaughter. Seems the little girl is allergic to dogs. Anne is in an apartment and can’t keep her, so I’m hoping one of the boys will take care of her. We hate to see her sold.”
Allison looked up at Nick. “You could keep her out at the house. There’s plenty of room for her to run and play.”
“It wasn’t my place to offer, but if you don’t mind, I’ll take her.”
“I don’t mind. She’ll help fill the void without Tank. What’s her name?” Allison looked up at Lily.
“I suppose whatever you want to call her. I’ve been saying here girl.”
“You decide.” Nick stooped down next to Allison and scratched the dog behind her ears.
“Let’s think about it. I’m sure something will come to us tonight.”
“Who do we have here?” a deep male voice said from behind Allison.
She stood, her eyes level with a broad chest. She looked up, and the male smile that met her gaze was disarming. She smiled back.
Nick stood and put his hands on her shoulders. “Allison, meet my brother Mark. Mark, this is Allison Lorde, my girlfriend.”
Her stomach did a somersault. Did having sex with Nick make him her boyfriend?
“Nice to meet you.” Mark held out his hand. “Nick has all the luck. Dump him and run away with me.” He gave her a wink.
She shook his hand and chuckled. Nick’s grip on her shoulders tightened, and she bit back another laugh. He’s jealous of his brother. She understood why. Mark was a charmer. He had the same dark hair and eyes as all his brothers. They could be male models with their chiseled chins and well-honed muscles. But Mark had a playful air about him.
“So how long have you and Nick been dating?” Mark asked as he acknowledged the puppy with a pat on the head.
“We’ve known each other for a long time. We just recently reconnected.”
“Wait. Are you the red-headed teenager he went on and on about when he came home for summer break his first year in college?”
“Am I?” Allison turned a questioning look toward Nick. Yep, she could tell by the evil look he shot at Mark.
“That’s okay, man.” Mark laughed. “You don’t have to answer. She was well worth waiting for.” He gave her a cheeky smile.
“Mark, leave your brother and Allison alone. Put your suitcase in your bedroom, and come down for dinner. It’s ready.” Lily broke up the two men before any punches could be thrown.
She managed to keep the conversation in friendly territory during dinner. She told stories about the boy’s antics growing up, and more than once, Allison laughed at the way the guys squirmed, remembering all the trouble they’d created.
When the dishes were finally cleaned up and Lily packed up leftovers for Allison and Nick to take home, Mark asked, “Hey, Nick, do you want to go for a beer when you get back?”
Nick hooked the lead on the dog and stood. “I’m renting the apartment in Allison’s basement. Maybe some other time. I think I’ll hang there tonight and work with ditzy dog here.” He pointed to the puppy, who was already tangled in the leash.
“That’s it,” Allison exclaimed. “Nick, that’s a cute name. Ditzy. I think it’s perfect for her.” She bent down to unwrap the big paws and gave the dog a pat.
Both Nick and Lily glared at Mark, who’d opened his mouth to make a comment. Mark put up his hands in surrender.
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Share a holiday family tradition:
We try to stay flexible during the holidays. Each year different members of the family visit or we travel to someone’s house. The one thing that is non-negotiable is the turkey dressing. It’s an old family recipe that’s been passed down for generations. There would be a mutiny if the meal didn’t include that dish. My mother always made extra because everyone loves it cold! So no matter where we go or who is at the table, the dressing is always present and there are always fond memories to share about past holidays.
Why is your featured book perfect to get readers in the holiday mood:
Revving Her Heart is book one of my Blacke Brothers series. It introduces you to the members of the family, focussing on Nick and Allison’s story. It will warm your nights and hopefully make you want to discover more about the brothers and the memories they create as they discover the loves of their lives. Holidays are about family and friends. Making memories. That’s what I strive for in my series.
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Author Biography:
Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound where each day she’s inspired by the beauty. Available books: Play A Game With Me. The Perception Game. Revving Her Heart. From Denver to Forever. Who Knew…It Takes Two! Who Knew…His Friend Would Do! Beautiful Will Do.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CadenceVonn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cadencevonnauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cadencevonn/