Title: Steam Tinker A Buffalo Steampunk Adventure
Author: Laura Strickland
Genre: Steampunk Romance
Book Blurb:
Known as the Steam Tinker, Lionel Pike rebuilds aged automatons, those cast off and bound for the scrap yard. When Sofia Gregory brings him her wrecked steam unit and confides it's also her best friend, he agrees to attempt a repair. He doesn't suspect his kindness will open a door to peril, or that he'll end up risking his heart.
Although she's attracted to Lionel, Sofia recognizes he's a mechanic first and a potential lover second. She thinks she can live with that, until Lionel engages in a competition to build a gladiator automaton and she loses his attention. When the ultimate danger comes, will Lionel fight for his lady? In a city torn by the struggle for automaton rights, can they win a future together?
My Review:
Another journey into this version of late 19th century Buffalo where steam technology has literally taken on a life of its own. Mega kudos to Laura Strickland for creating a steampunk adventure where steam engines could be punks. This is a fantastic continuation of the series after an excellent previous one. The Steam Tinker, Lionel, is the key to the whole story.
Through the examination and expansion of this character, the story is given life and body. Brilliantly written and paced, this book has something for everyone. One could see the battle for 'steamie' rights as an allegorical look at the original battle for African American rights right after abolition. It doesn't take much mind to see a clear comparison to the violent group in this and the klan of the 19th century.
A book that offers the reader a wonderful time. The world you are in here is very accessible and the reader is never left guessing. There is terrific humor, there is romance, there is mystery, there is suspense. There is the ever-present battle of good vs evil. There is the ever-present question of equal rights. A terrific standalone read, and a must-read for the lovers of this series. A first-rate book that raises the genre of steampunk to an approachable, enjoyable level.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Author Biography:
Multi-award-winning author Laura Strickland delights in time traveling to the past and searching out settings for her books, be they Historical Romance, Steampunk or something in between. Her first Scottish Historical hero, Devil Black, battled his way onto the publishing scene in 2013, and the author never looked back. Nor has she tapped the limits of her imagination. Venturing beyond Historical and Contemporary Romance, she created a new world with her ground-breaking Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series set in her native city, in Western New York. Married and the parent of one grown daughter, Laura has also been privileged to mother a number of very special rescue dogs, and is intensely interested in animal welfare. Her love of dogs, and her lifelong interest in Celtic history, magic and music, are all reflected in her writing. Laura's mantra is Lore, Legend, Love, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Social Media Links:
Author Website: www.laurastricklandbooks.com
Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000002632317
Author Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Strickland/e/B001KHSACW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/760146.Laura_Strickland
Author Twitter:
Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951
Reviewed by: Mr. N