Title Thank Goliath: A Memoir About an Italian Mother, a Rebel Son, and Life’s Noble Teacher
Author Domenic Aversa
Genre Family Saga, Memoir
Book Blurb
“As Goliath grew, we grew.”
Born to impoverished, Italian immigrants in 1960s Canada, Domenic Aversa is creative and restless. He shares a busy but happy home with his hardworking father and doting, strict, traditional mother.
When his childhood reputation as a troublemaker drives him to juvenile delinquency and his mother to uncontrollable anger, Domenic decides the best way to overcome adversity is not to rebel but to stare it down. Determined to prove himself, he is drawn toward increasingly difficult and dangerous challenges around the world. He supervises abandoned and abused children, trains delinquent military cadets, starts a business in the violent underbelly of the Soviet Union, takes down white-collar criminals across America, and even joins the war on HIV/AIDS. He faces each giant, stone in hand, determined to overcome adversity and help those in need.
Closer to home, his mother, Benedetta, puts on a cheerful façade as a pillar of the community. But with increasingly severe health problems, she is facing a Goliath of her own within a healthcare system unequipped or perhaps unwilling to help. As Domenic’s compass slowly points him back home, he realizes saving his mother might be his toughest challenge yet.
Benedetta and Domenic’s close, complex mother-son relationship is the backdrop for this poignant and inspiring memoir that reminds us that there is more than one way to slay a giant. More importantly, each challenge offers an opportunity for growth, resolution, and acceptance.
Advanced Reviews
“A fast-paced, intense, and colorful read detailing transformative adventures and experiences. The larger-than-life narrative is punctuated with mother-son dialogue that’s penetrating, satirical, and at times provides comic relief to the serious tone. Readers will find his story compelling and instructive in the way it redefines life’s challenges as boundless opportunities for growth.” —Blue Ink Reviews
“Thank Goliath introduces us to one of the better memoir characters in recent his mother, Benedetta. The book’s best moments are his conversations with her, which make Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland sound as staid as city council meetings. Witty and poignant…readers should devour this memoir. Aversa tells the page-turning story of his complicated relationship with his indomitable mother.” —Indie Reader“Thank Goliath is the compelling memoir of a first-generation Canadian and his immigrant mother. The book’s memoir elements fold into moving celebrations of his mother, Benedetta. It shares stories about how she overcame massive challenges in her own life; these are made to parallel and inform Aversa’s own responses to struggles.
“A skillfully written account of a complicated life. Tightly constructed, moving along at a pleasant clip with lots of brisk dialogue.” —Kirkus Reviews“A personal yet universal tale that is canny, engrossing and distinctly inspiring.” —Self-Publishing Review
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Author Biography
As an entrepreneur and operational turnaround expert, Domenic Aversa is sought
after by both global business leaders and government agencies. He has actively
assisted companies in dramatic transition for more than 25 years. He has served as
an educational speaker and managerial advisor on international business
development, recession preparation and insolvency issues for many business and
academic institutions. Audiences have included the Harvard Business School and
the Sloan School of Management at MIT. Domenic captured his business experience
in the world of crisis management in his first book, Corporate Undertaker; Business
Lessons from the Dead and Dying.
He is a member of the board of directors for the non-profit, Michael’s Gift
(www.michaelsgift.org). The organization is dedicated to the healing of spiritual,
emotional and physical trauma.
He currently resides in California with his wife, Nirvana, and his two cats, Carnelia
and Truffles.