Title: The Last Enemy: Lonesome Lawmen 1
Author: Pauline Baird Jones
Genre: Thriller/Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
A witness on the run. A marshal on the hunt. They’ll need to trust each other to avoid a hitman’s crosshairs…
Dani Gwynne is a lone witness with the power to put a killer behind bars. Making it to the trial alive is the romance author’s sole purpose after the haunting death of her son. But when her safehouse is compromised, she takes to the streets of Denver in a last-ditch effort to survive…
Deputy US Marshal Matthew Kirby is the only thing standing between an innocent woman and a ruthless killer. Tracking her down in the sprawling city was supposed to be the hard part, but winning the intriguing woman’s trust is a new level of complicated. Things get even more complex as burgeoning new feelings put both of them in more danger than they ever thought possible…
The Last Enemy is the first book in a series of suspenseful mysteries with a dash of romance. If you like fast-paced action, relationships worth rooting for, and witty dialogue, then you’ll love the first book in Pauline Baird Jones’ captivating Lonesome Lawmen series.
Buy The Last Enemy to climb into a mile-high mystery today!
“You didn't tell Neuman, did you?” Dani almost envied her that cigarette. Popping an M&M didn’t have the dramatic effect of blowing smoke, which was the international symbol for waiting.
“He'll find out when he comes.”
“He'll be pissed.” Dani didn't mind Neuman getting pissed. She didn't mind anything that relieved the monotony. Who would have thought trying not to get killed could be so boring?
“He'll get over it.” Peg hesitated. “And it's only for a few more hours.”
“Yeah, a few more hours.” Dani set down her glass, splashing water perilously close to her laptop. Surprised at her lack of precision, she moved the glass onto the window sill, then dabbed at the damp with the corner of her tee shirt. The Velcro edge of her money belt scraped her wrist with yet another reminder of how far from home, how far from normal she'd come. Was it petty to miss her purse with all its useful and useless bits and pieces? To sweat the myriad of small things she couldn't do until she did her thing in court? To be so weary of this portable existence she almost didn't care anymore?
Easier to sweat the small things than contemplate the big ones. Like dying before she made it into court—
“So what are you and Neuman going to do once you've handed me off?” Dani hurried into speech again.
“Do? Neuman and I? What do you mean?” Peg's voice sounded a little too noncommittal.
“Did you think I wouldn't notice the hearts and flowers around whenever you and Neuman are in the same room?”
“I suppose you can't help seeing romance everywhere you look.” Weary gave way for ironic in Peg's eyes.
“It's one of the main requirements for writing it.” Dani turned sideways, trailing her hands across the quiescent keyboard of her laptop. From habit her fingers settled in home position on the smooth, cool keys. The dark screen looked naked without her words scrolling across. The words that kept her sane and paid the bills after her marriage fell apart. The stories that gave her a place to escape to in the past few months.
“Did you get your story sorted out?” Peg asked. “I was hoping I could read the last two chapters before I leave.”
“Like the real people in my life, my characters are proving difficult.”
A wan smile edged Peg's mouth. “I expect you'll have them whipped into shape before your deadline.”
“I expect I will.” Dani realized she was tapping out an “SOS” on the keyboard.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/Last-Enemy
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-last-enemy-pauline-baird-jones/1103486116?ean=2940151736886
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Pauline_Baird_Jones_The_Last_Enemy?id=31mfAgAAQBAJ

What makes your featured book a must-read?
One of the first reviews I got for this book said, "A highly suspenseful, should-be-a-movie, totally entertaining tale of derring-do, the Last Enemy defies categorization--at least by me. All I can tell you is: I enjoyed every word and was sorry when I reached the end. If you really liked the movie, Romancing the Stone, then you will absolutely love The Last Enemy and be clamoring at Hollywood's gates to make this book into the next "really great movie." Very Highly Recommended, Under the Cover Reviews
I hope you’ll check it out!
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Author Biography:
USA Today Bestselling Author, Pauline never liked reality, so she writes books. She likes to wander among the genres, rampaging like Godzilla, because she does love peril mixed in her romance.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://paulinebjones.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulinebjones
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/perilouspauline/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulinebairdjones/
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Pauline-Baird-Jones/e/B000APFS0M/