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Today's #WednesdayWisdom Thought: Dance Like Nobody's Watching... #inspiration #motivation

N. N. Light

"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." -- Satchel Paige

If today was the last day of your life, what wisdom would you offer?

This quote is powerful and one I connect with as a mantra. The last part is how I try to live each and every day.

Dance like nobody's watching.

I'm not the best dancer in the world but when I really let loose, not caring who's watching, I feel free. I close my eyes and release my inhibitions.

So many times, we close ourselves off from certain feelings, people and experiences because we're afraid. We're scared of rejection, poverty, and/or ridicule. To embrace life fully, we've got to cast off our fears and just let go.

Close your eyes, feel the music pulse inside you and dance like nobody's watching.


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