Title: Crossings
Author: Ashley Capes
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Book Blurb:
Something red lay in a heap on her doorstep. She crept closer,
wrinkling her nose as the buzz of flies led her to a pile of animal
entrails. Slick with blood, like mangled tubes from bike tyres, they stained the concrete.
Deep in the Australian bush, wildlife ranger Lisa Thomas must uncover the truth behind a giant white kangaroo and the strange deaths connected to it, while dealing with the return of her abusive ex, Ben, whose rage is quickly growing out of control.
My Review:
'Life isn't easy, not for anyone.' That quote, from main character Lisa's befuddled Dad, pretty much defines this book.
Life isn't easy...not for Lisa - a character you can really relate to, not for Gerry the cop and would be suitor, not for her evil ex, not for her co-worker or most anyone else in this town.
This book was an interesting read. I can say without a hesitation of a doubt that the first 13 chapters were brilliant, and the book was hard to put down. The book took a turn and stumbled amid evil people taking control over innocents. The last half was hard to follow, and I found the conclusion uneven. I would really have preferred to have a distinct determination as to what happened to Ben.
In the end I give this 3.5 stars.
Worth a read if you like a good mystery that journeys into the almost supernatural. Lisa was very likable and deserved nicer treatment.
My Rating: 3.5 stars
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Author Biography:
Ashley is a poet, novelist and teacher living in Australia.
He's the author of six poetry collections and five novels and was
poetry editor for Page Seventeen from issues 8-10. He also moderates online renku group Issa’s Snail.
Ashley teaches English, Media and Music Production, has played in a metal band, worked in an art gallery and slaved away at music retail.
Aside from reading and writing, Ashley loves volleyball and Studio Ghibli – and Magnum PI, easily one of the greatest television shows ever made.
Social Media Links:
Website: http://ashleycapes.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ash_Capes
Reviewed by: Mr. N