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Can the Love They Share Heal Old Wounds or Will it Keep Them From Embracing Untamed Love? @Author_An

Title: Untamed Love

Author: Anton Swanepoel

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Aurora, a lonely investor, finds her live turned upside down after an argument with her boss. Taking time out, she travels to the majestic temples in Cambodia to fulfill a 22-year-old promise and find answers to questions that haunted her whole life. When a stranger saves her life, an attraction develops.

Chase has been hurt badly in a previous relationship and closed his heart to love. However, when he saves Aurora, he cannot resist the attraction he has for her. While he battles to overcome his fears to trust Aurora, she secretly struggles to accept that she deserves love and happiness.

Can love heal Chase’s scars and drive Aurora’s grandmother’s poisonous words from her thoughts before it is too late and they lose each other?

Note that although this is book 1 in the Aurora series, it is a complete story with a happy for now ending without cliffhangers.

My Review:

Sometimes life plunges us into the unknown to discover who we are and where we’re supposed to be when love finds us. For Aurora, it took a trip to Cambodia and a man named Chase for her to realize what life is all about.

Aurora meets Chase after he saves her life and she’s drawn to him. They start slow but soon enter into a relationship. Aurora has trust issues and doesn’t feel she deserves love but the more she’s around Chase, the less she hears her grandmother’s hateful words.

Chase meets Aurora and he’s attracted to her immediately. She’s beautiful and he can’t help what he feels for her. But Chase’s logical side continues to remind him of those women who’ve broken his heart. He tries to keep his distance, but love has a way of tearing down walls. Can the love they share heal old wounds or will it keep them from embracing Untamed Love?

This is my first book by Anton Swanepoel and I must admit, he’s got an immense talent for writing romance. He grabbed me from the first page and I connected with Aurora right away. I related to her insecurities and wariness of finding love abroad.

What makes this a must-read, though, is the descriptive narration. It’s clear from the get-go that Anton has a love for Cambodia and the Far East. He paints the scenery with exquisite precision and the reader gets to experience everything as if they were there in person.

If you’re looking for a romance that’ll take you away, pick up Untamed Love right now! I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

Adventurer and world traveler, Anton Swanepoel, hales originally from Pretoria, South Africa, but has called a number of exotic locations home. Educated as a software engineer, he worked for a large multinational company before deciding to travel the globe. Along life's journey, Anton became a skilled scuba diver and technical diving instructor, teaching for seven years while living in the Cayman Islands. His resume touts Tri-Mix instructor levels from multiple licensing agencies, and dive records over 400 feet.

Mr. Swanepoel has always loved travel and writing. In the past several years he's combined these passions, authoring and publishing a host of books, sharing secrets he's learned along the way. When he's not exploring an underwater landscape or racing a motorcycle down a stretch of highway, you'll find Anton visiting world destinations and chronicling his experiences.

Today, he is a full-time globetrotter and writer, having penned instructional guides for diving and travel, as well as a pair of fictional novels. His excursion titles are geared toward do-it-yourself travelers, who enjoy saving money and seeing the out-of-way places. His favorite destinations include, Machu Picchu, the mountains of Vietnam, and the Temples at Angkor Wat.

As a Technical Diving Instructor and Cave Diver with over seven years’ experience working in different places, including the Cayman Islands, I have come to believe that limits are what you set for yourself. I used to be afraid of water until I forced myself into a diving course, and then things just kept going and the thing I feared gave me what I dreamed of doing, travel. Having dived to over 400ft on open circuit, I realize how much of life we miss if we let fear run our life.

Sometimes, life is like a dark tunnel that feels like it is going to squeeze the life from you. However, if you just keep going, you are bound to come out the other side. I love writing, travel, diving, caves, motorcycles, and speed, but as a Reiki Master Teacher, I know you have to balance your life with love, and compassion. Be proud to stand firm in your quest for your dreams, but humble enough to ask for help in reaching them.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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