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Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond by @CherylIlov #health #fitness #book

Title: Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond

Author: Cheryl L. Ilov

Genre: Health and Wellness, Fitness, Exercise

Book Blurb:

Do you believe getting older means losing health and vitality?

Here is your path to feeling youthful and vibrant. Imagine starting each day with a spring in your step. Envision liking what you see in the full-length mirror before you get dressed. Now visualize that you can engage in any activity with strength, grace, and confidence.

In Forever Fit and Flexible Cheryl Ilov provides a program that will help you create this and more. Her movement lessons provide the building blocks to better posture, core strength, flexibility, balance, and functional strength. As you develop a solid physical foundation, you will also:

* eliminate chronic pain

* improve injury-related mobility issues

* experience increased energy

* develop mindful self-awareness and a positive mindset

* ... and much more!

Cheryl Ilov combined her extensive training in Pilates, Feldenkrais, martial arts, and ballet with her MS degree in physical therapy to create this advanced movement program. It was through her personal experience of chronic pain, fatigue, and injuries that she perfected her program and is now dedicated to helping others achieve the best quality of life possible, regardless of age or current level of function.

Forever Fit and Flexible offers you the possibility of living with a new sense of energy and vitality as you move into your fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond. Once you get moving, you'll want to keep moving.

My Review:

Many people are looking for ways to improve their health and live longer. Some use medications while others, like myself and Cheryl Ilov use exercise to stay young. Interested? Keep reading…

Forever Fit and Flexible is an approachable, tell-it-like-it-is manual on how to stay young and vibrant, no matter how many birthdays have passed. Using her own experiences and knowledge, Ilov shows us know easy it is. Starting when she was young, Ilov details how she came to become a healthier person. I kept nodding my head as I read because I went through the same thing.

Each chapter lays out how you can stop chronic pain, gain strength, live healthy and be on the road to success. Ilov peppers solid advice and techniques with her own experiences so you know she speaks the truth.

I’ve read a lot of diet/weight-loss/healthy living books in my life but this is the first one where I connected on every level with the author. Forever Fit and Flexible is like having a personal trainer with you without having to deal with judgement and ridicule. I only wish there was illustrations/photos included.

If you’re looking for ways to get rid of chronic pain and show your body who’s boss, get this book! Makes a great gift, too.

Favorite Quote:

“It’s important, therefore, to be mindful of the company you keep. Negative people can weigh you down and even undermine your efforts to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.”

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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Author Biography:

Cheryl Ilov has always been drawn to health and wellness, the biological sciences, and movement arts, including classical ballet. She began her professional life as a respiratory therapist, and after seventeen years of practice, she returned to school and earned her master’s degree in physical therapy in 1996.

Cheryl discovered The Pilates Method in 1983, and once she began working as a physical therapist, she made the connection that Pilates presented a wonderful tool to help people of all ages recover from injuries and illnesses. She immediately began applying the principles of Pilates to her patients to improve their quality of life and level of function. In 1999, she founded Ilov Integrated Arts, specializing in Pilates-based rehabilitation.

Cheryl had her first experience with The Feldenkrais Method® in 2000. She began the required four-year training program to become a Feldenkrais practitioner in February 2006 and graduated in November 2009. During Cheryl’s remarkable journey of learning, healing, and self-discovery, she also discovered a martial art called Ninpo Tai Jutsu. She fell in love with the art and the training as well as the powerful connection between Feldenkrais and martial arts and their incredible healing power.

Cheryl has dedicated her life to helping others achieve the best quality of life possible. Having personally experienced the anxiety of dealing with chronic pain, stress, and fatigue, she also understands the frustration of feeling out of control, gaining weight, and struggling to find a healthy, effective way to recover after devastating injuries. Cheryl has integrated her education, experience, and expertise to develop a program for people, regardless of their age or current level of function. It is her firm belief that anyone can be fit, flexible, healthy, vibrant, and energetic in their fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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