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Will She and Strat Ever Be Together? For All Time (Time Traveler’s #4) by Caroline B. Cooney #bookre

Title: For All Time (Time Traveler’s #4)

Author: Caroline B. Cooney

Genre: Young Adult, Time-Travel

Book Blurb:

Annie Lockwood is testing Time. She’s traveled through it before, but always at Time’s bidding. Now she is asking Time to take her to the year 1899, when Strat is in Cairo. But Time doesn’t like to be tested. In what feels like a cruel joke, Annie is transported to ancient Egypt, thousands of years before Strat was born — to a world far removed from the one she knows. Meanwhile, in 1899, Strat is photographing the same pyramids that Annie walks among. But while Strat eagerly awaits Annie’s arrival, another visitor arrives: his father, Hiram Stratton, Sr., has come to Egypt to collect his son.

Powerless, Annie and Strat both look to Time. Can its force, which brought them together once, help them find each other again?

My Review:

Annie Lockwood is a time traveler and she's yearning for her beloved, Strat. The only problem: Strat's in Egypt 100 years in the past (1899). She pleads with Time to send her back to Egypt so they can be together. Life is never that easy, as Annie soon learns, and Time transports her to Ancient Egypt. Will she and Strat ever be together?

In a brilliant conclusion to Caroline B. Cooney's time-travel series, For All Time is a gem. While this is book four in the series, it can be read as a stand alone novel. It's fast-paced plot will appeal to any reader, young and old, and there are many intriguing characters. The descriptive narration (especially in Ancient Egypt) was so vivid I got sand in my hair. *smiles*

Whether you enjoy young adult and/or historical novels, you'll love this book! I have to go back and read the rest of the series.

My Rating: 5+ stars

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Author Biography:

Caroline Cooney knew in sixth grade that she wanted to be a writer when "the best teacher I ever had in my life" made writing her main focus. "He used to rip off covers from The New Yorker and pass them around and make us write a short story on whichever cover we got. I started writing then and never stopped!"

When her children were young, Caroline started writing books for young people -- with remarkable results. She began to sell stories to Seventeen magazine and soon after began writing books. Suspense novels are her favorites to read and write. "In a suspense novel, you can count on action."

To keep her stories realistic, Caroline visits many schools outside of her area, learning more about teenagers all the time. She often organizes what she calls a "plotting game," in which students work together to create plots for stories. Caroline lives in Westbrook, Connecticut and when she's not writing she volunteers at a hospital, plays piano for the school musicals and daydreams!

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