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Dare You Take the Trip to Fairyland? Here Be Fairies: A Thirteen Book Fairy Bundle by @libraryoferan

Here Be Fairies: A 13 -book fairy bundle

Fairies, fair folk, imps, trolls, and pixies—they haunt our myths from Ireland to Iceland and everywhere else.

Join in the fairy fun, or fairy fear, as good, bad, and mischievous they show themselves.

Dare you take the trip to Fairyland? No one who returns is ever quite the same.


Flower Fairies by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Bride Thief by Brigid Collins

Feyland by Anthea Sharp

Phouka by Liz Pierce

The Giving Year by Alexandra Brandt

Summerland's Paladin by Diana Benedict

Real Girl by Leslie Claire Walker

The Troll's Belt by J.M. Ney-Grimm

The Clockwork Fairy Kingdom by Leah Cutter

The Kitchen Imps by A. L. Butcher

Faerie Fruit by Charlotte E. English

By Winter's Forbidden Rite by DeAnna Knippling

Dark Dancer by Jaleta Clegg

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