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  • N. N. Light

The Steel Sentinel (Spiritborn Book 1) by Kyle Williams @KYDreads #fantasy #womensadventure #bookrev

Title: The Steel Sentinel (Spiritborn Book 1)

Author: Kyle Williams

Genre: Fantasy, Women’s Adventure

Book Blurb:

War and Chaos bound together

Death is all alone

Life is lake and forest plenty

Peace sleeps with the bones

It all began with death, a mysterious woman, and a poem. The balance of the world is in jeopardy. The Guardians of War, Chaos, Peace, Life, and Death have all gone missing. The world threatens to tear itself apart and at the center…

there is Kyah.

An unassuming girl from a small village in Canada obsessed with the lore of our people. In the very oldest lore of our people, they tell of a child. A child who will rise up when the world is in its darkest hour.

And now, that time has come.

The world is on the verge of darkness and destruction. She has charged herself with finding the guardians and restoring the balance.

My Review:

“A child will rise up when the world is in its darkest hour. She will restore the balance.”

After the death of her grandmother, Kyah discovers a poem which speaks of five guardians who keep the world and all its inhabitants in balance. They are Life, Death, War, Chaos and Peace. These guardians have gone missing and ancient lore speaks of a child rising up and restoring the balance.

Kyah soon discovers this child is, in fact, her. The how and why are not revealed to her but she answers the call. She’ll battle, falter and do what needs to be done to bring the five guardians together once again. She’ll learn what it means to be chosen and how strong she truly is. Will she succeed and save the world or will the destruction be too much to overcome?

The Steel Sentinel is a debut novel which doesn’t come across as one. Kyle Williams’ writing style is classic epic fantasy with a strong female protagonist with undertones of mythology. The plot is well-crafted with plenty of action scenes, characters with depth and believable world-building. More than a few times, I found myself escaping my mundane day to Kyah’s world and wondering what was going to happen next. Addictive storytelling and a solid ending, The Steel Sentinel is a must-read! I can’t wait for the next book in the Spiritborn series.

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

I am a young author and a nurse based out of California. I found my passion for writing at eighteen when I moved away from home to Maryland to continue my studies. The wilds of the east coast wilderness exploded my imagination and was a huge inspiration behind the naturalistic themes of my book. Ever since I have been working on my Spiritborn series and I don't plan to stop any time soon. I've taught myself everything I know about writing and I believe in a more free approach to the art. I have never written an outline or "planned" a book I just allow the story to flow as it comes.

My favorite genre by far is fantasy seconded by romance. I enjoy basing my characters off of people I know and love as a way of expressing my care for our friendship through art which has given me characters like The Guardians of the spiritborn series.

My biggest hope is that someone I don't know will come to me one day and say "Your story inspired me" even if its only one person I'll know that I've made an impact.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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