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  • N. N. Light

We're on Holidays (July 19 - 30)! #vacation #summer #unplug #relaxation #affirmations

"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." Robert Orben

After a grueling year filled with deadlines, obstacles, new adventures, career changes, growth and emotional turmoil, we're taking a full ten days off and escaping to our summer oasis. We need time with each other (just Mr. N and myself) to reconnect, relax, and pamper each other. No devices, no screens to look at, we're fully unplugging.

I know you're going through a slight panic, wondering what to do while we're gone. I've got you covered next week with plenty of posts appearing, at least one a day. Christmas in July Fete is still going strong so be sure to check it out.

Could I ask a favor while we're gone? Can you share some of our content on social media next week? I'd sure appreciate it.

Book Promos including guest posts, book spotlights and more --

Book Reviews --

Christmas in July Fete --

Inspirational Thoughts --

Friday Book Round Up --

Interested in reading any of our books, click here --

Are you an author or publisher interested in our author promotions and/or editing services, please click here --

Looking to win free books and other great prizes, enter our monthly giveaway --

Have a question or want to contact us for any reason, please send us an email and we'll reply the first week in August --

Note: all comments are moderated and will be approved once we return.


Mrs. N (N. N. Light)

©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links to products from Google Ads. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

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