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Only the Heart Remembers: A Calloways romantic suspense by @LiviaQuinn #romanticsuspense #bookreview

N. N. Light

Title: Only the Heart Remembers: A Calloways romantic suspense (Calloways of Rainbow Bayou Book 3)

Author: Livia Quinn

Genre: Romantic Suspense, Romantic Comedy

Book Blurb:

Love happens. . .when you least expect it! Out of the blue... or the night.

Brenna returned home to Rainbow Bayou just a few months ago and now the first storm of the season delivers a surprise. She has a premonition and when that happens, she pays attention. A stranger attempt to enter her cabin during the storm and she whacks him with a fireplace iron creating an even bigger problem—he awakens thinking she and this handsome burglar are a couple.

As their relationship deepens images from his past begin to surface and Brenna finds herself hoping the clues don’t mean what she thinks they do and that their new love can last forever.

My Review:

From the time Brenna was young, she’s had premonitions. Her best friend, Declan, calls it a gift but for Brenna, it’s a nightmare. On the night of the biggest storm she can recall, Brenna has a bad feeling. She can’t figure out what it means, only that someone’s life is in danger. Gripped with terror, she knocks out an unsuspecting stranger trying to get into her house.

The Handsome Stranger (or HS for short) is knocked unconscious (thanks to Brenna) and he reminds Brenna of James Bond, especially when she discovers a gun in his wet clothes. Brenna knows she has to care for him until the storm passes or his death will be forever on her hands. When he wakes up in a hospital three days later, he has amnesia and doesn’t remember a thing. Wait a sec, he does remember one name: Brenna.

Thus begins a romantic suspense filled with twists and turns. The more Brenna is around him, the harder she’s falling for him. He keeps her at arms length (while devouring her with his eyes) until his memory comes back. There’s a connection between them that neither can explain and when the truth is revealed and his memory returns, will their love grow stronger or be split in two?

Only the Heart Remembers is one of the best romantic suspense I’ve read in quite awhile. I spent most the book trying to figure out who the James Bond look-a-like is and what he’s doing in the middle of the storm. Suspenseful, swoon-worthy romance and Brenna’s best friend (Declan) is sensational comic relief. I will never look at Southern Comfort the same, thanks to Quinn.

Favorite Character/Quote: Brenna. I found a kindred spirit in Brenna and not just because we have an unnatural fear of storms. She’s the kind of character most women can relate to, either they know someone like her or are her to a certain extent. Brenna has a deep-seated fear of lightning and with just cause. Yet, she battles her fear to rescue a complete stranger. No matter what life throws her way (and there’s plenty thanks to Livia), she manages to make it through. She’s such an amazing woman and I loved reading her story.

My Rating: 5+ stars

Buy it now:

Only the Heart Remembers is also available on subscription services like Scribd, Inkterra and at libraries through Bibliotecha and Overdrive.

Author Biography:

Livia Quinn is a DC native living on the bayou in Louisiana. Her characters and settings have been inspired by the lush beauty and interesting culture of the state. She’s written fifteen books based around her fictional Storm Lake, the Destiny Paramortals (paranormal) and the Calloways of Rainbow Bayou, a small-town contemporary romance series.

Connect with her in your favorite way:

Livia Quinn Readers Group

Reviewed by: Mrs. N

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 


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