Title: I Believe
Author: Melissa Keir
Genre: Inspirational Non-fiction
Book Blurb:
I Believe…
Miracles Surround Us.
Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever heard a voice urging you to do something or not to do something? Have you had a prayer answered? Has someone who has passed come to help you? Miracles happen to everyday people.
This book shares real experiences from ordinary people. Miracles occurred. Some are profound and demonstrate the work of a higher power. Some appear as happenstance but are life changing. These are their stories in their own words.
Grab this book and be prepared to be amazed. There is more to life than what we see and Miracles Surround Us.
**Proceeds will go to the Children’s Miracle Network, where miracles happen every day.**
Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.
~Wayne Dyer~
According the Association for Safe Road Travel, nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, with an additional 20-50 million people who injured or disabled. With the violence of car crashes, it’s no wonder miracles can occur.
~The Fiery Crash~
In 2004, late at night, I was driving home from my boyfriend's house, jamming to some funny song on the radio. I'd gotten new tires on my Mustang only a few days before. But I thought something was wrong with them, because the car seemed unusually squirrelly. It was always light in the back end, but now it would skid at the smallest turn. They were new and pricy tires, quality brand too.
I was about five miles from home, headed for a left corner when I saw a possum eating a dead possum in the road. I hit the brakes and tried to swerve. Of course, when I did, I over corrected, and with the tires skidding in that weird way, the car spun. I knew I was going to wreck. I thought, “Oh shit, this is gonna hurt.” And had just enough time to pray, “Maybe it won't,” before it spun three times. I had my seatbelt on and a death grip on the steering wheel. Well, when the car stopped and the air bag blew, I blocked the air bag from coming out with my arms. It never got close to my face, but the horn wouldn't shut off. I stuffed the air bag back in the steering wheel and looked around. My legs were killing me and I was dizzy, but I seemed okay otherwise.
The weirdest thing was, I had a bottle of oil in the back. It was sitting on the passenger side window frame. It took me a minute to realize the passenger door was more or less in the passenger seat. Everything on that side was pushed closer to me because it had caved in. It made no sense, because I knew I'd hit the ditch, which was deep (like 5 feet deep), but I thought it had bounced out.
I'm sitting in the wrecked car, trying to get the fog out of my brain and make sure nothing on me was broken when this voice in my head said, Get Out! Get out of the car RIGHT NOW! I unbuckled like most idiots in a movie, you know how they think the seatbelt won't unlatch? It took a second, but I got it and stumbled out. I was crying because my dad bought me that car and he'd died just a little before.
I almost fell in the ditch because the inside of my lower legs hurt really bad, but I knew where I was--in some stranger's yard. I didn't even try to get my cell phone. No coverage in the area back then. I went up and knocked on the door. An old lady answered. She wouldn't let me in, and I don't blame her. I didn't drink back then, but how did she know? She wouldn't let me borrow the phone to call my mom though, which was kind of rude. Just told me to sit on the porch. So I sat. I heard sirens, probably because a couple of other cars had driven by and maybe called 911. When I looked up to watch a fire truck pull in, I realized my car was engulfed in flames.
Who knows how long it had been burning? But the voice in my head got me out because it was super insistent.
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Special Giveaway:
A bracelet with the words I Believe on it.
Runs from Dec. 10 thru Dec. 26

Author Biography:
Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a movie reviewer with WHMI (a local radio station), owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice- a large grocery bill, tons of dirty dishes and a mound of laundry. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.
She’d love to hear from you!
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