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  • N. N. Light

*-* New Release - Marriage Vow Murder by USA Today Bestseller @LeslieLangtry #cozycomedy #bookstagra


Author Leslie Langtry

Genre Cozy Comedy

Publisher Gemma Halliday Publishing

Book Blurb

From USA Today bestselling author, Leslie Langtry comes one former assassin turned suburbanite, a wedding in hilarious peril, and a very dead body...

Wedding Traditions as good as gold…Let’s start out with Something Old…

When this creepy message is found with an elderly, murdered florist in the first pew of a church the day before Merry Wrath's wedding, her hopes wilt like day old, discount flowers. And when the groom, Rex, vanishes into thin air, she can only assume the worst—and she’s not talking about the ugly, Vegas showgirl-like flower girl dresses her Girl Scout troop have picked out.

Weddings make a family of two…Let’s add in Something New…

The clues come with diabolically difficult puzzles, so Merry enlists the help of her former 4th grade teacher—a champion puzzler—while she turns the town upside down, in a frantic search for her fiancé. Once a surprising past is revealed, it doesn’t take long for the investigation to spin out of control faster than ten fourth-graders high on Pixy Stix on a merry-go-round.

With many suspects, few leads, and the clock ticking, will Merry find her groom in time for a happily ever after?


"What do you mean, there's a body in the front pew?" I asked my best friend and matron of honor. (BTW, that title has nothing to do with prison or knights in shining armor. I checked.)

My wedding was set for tomorrow, December 28. With the rehearsal dinner later tonight, Kelly and I thought we'd get a jump on decorating the church—which meant she was decorating and telling me I was doing it wrong. We'd only been there one hour before she sprung this on me.

Kelly's face had gone a little green, which was odd, considering the fact that she was a nurse. "I think it's the florist."

"The florist is dead?" That didn't seem like good news. "Did he drop off the flowers first?"

Kelly's jaw dropped. "Merry!"

"What? We paid a fortune for those flowers!"

Okay, maybe she had a point and I was being a tad insensitive, but I was running on wedding stress—a stress I found strangely similar to armed-showdown-in-an-Estonian-alley stress or hand-over-the-photos-to-a-dwarf-dressed-as-an-astronaut-with-a-flamethrower-while-standing-on-the-edge-of-a-cliff-in-Peru stress.

My to-do list was ridiculous. I followed Kelly to the front of the church, and there was elderly Lewis Spitz, my florist, lying there, with a knife sticking out of his chest.

"Another murder in my vicinity." With a heavy sigh, I took out my cell.

My fiancé was also the town detective. He was wrapping up a few loose ends at work before the wedding tomorrow. Now he'd have a murder to deal with.

Officer Kevin Dooley, a mouth breather and paste eater I'd known since kindergarten, arrived alone, with his arm elbow deep in a bag of pork rinds.

I looked behind Kevin and asked, "Where's Rex?"

The officer's expression resembled a lobotomized amoeba. "He's not at the station. We've tried to get hold of him. He's missing."

I hadn't heard anything more than grunts from this guy for three years. He finally strung more than one word together, and it was to say my fiancé had gone missing? I pulled out my cell and called Rex. After five rings it went into voicemail.

"He's here somewhere," I said as I turned on a tracking app I'd recently installed on our phones.

And, no, it's not Find My iPhone (although that is useful). It's a special CIA app I'd hacked that takes things to a whole new level. It can tell you where someone is, what they're wearing, and what they're eating—an unfortunate addition, as Rex has discovered I like to eat Oreos in the parking lot of one of the local grocery stores.

In this case, however, the app was a bust. There was no signal at all. Nothing indicating Rex's location or even his existence. I called his twin sisters and his parents next. Nobody had seen or heard from him today.

When had I seen him last? Last night when we had pizza at my house—a quiet moment for just the two of us, his dog, and my cats before the chaos to come. I tried calling him once more without luck.

Fortunately, my dress for the rehearsal was hanging in the dressing room. I was still wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and boots—which would be better for running around in the snow. Why we picked December for a wedding was beyond me.

"Where are you going?" Kelly called out.

"I'll be right back," I shouted over my shoulder as I tore up the aisle.

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Author Biography

Leslie Langtry is the USA Today Bestselling Author of three Cozy Comedy Series. She lives in the Midwest with her family and many unruly pets, and between playing the ukulele badly and an unmanageable amount of books to read, she’s working on her next book.

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