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Celebrate romance with Thalia (Widows of Wildcat Ridge Series Book 7) by Bestselling Author @CRaddon

N. N. Light

Title: Thalia (Widows of Wildcat Ridge Series Book 7)

Author: Charlene Raddon

Genre: Western Historical Romance

Book Blurb:

Thalia Plunkett has loved Duncan Moon, known as Dinky, all her life. Now he's in big trouble. Can Thalia help Duncan kick the booze threatening to kill him, and win his love? Or will he choose whiskey over her?

And who is the mysterious man watching Thalia?


When she got back to the office and climbed the stairs, she found Dinky lying on the floor. Dumping her packages on the table she knelt beside him. "Dinky, what are you doing out here. Get back in bed."

"I thought you left me." He looked and sounded like a whiney little boy. "I thought you'd gone."

"Come on, I'll help you back to bed."

"Will you stay with me?"

She gaped at him. "In your bed?"

His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open. "No. I'd never ask you to do that."

"All right. Come on."

She got him back in bed and returned to the kitchen to boil the beef bones for broth. She'd gotten some with bits of meat left on, knowing or at least hoping, he could handle a little substance.

"Thalia? You still here?"

She went to his doorway. "Yes, I'm here. I'm making some broth to help settle your stomach. You still feel sick?"

He shook his head. "I'm cold though."

As if to demonstrate, his entire body shuddered. "Tremors," she said. "Doc Spense warned me about them. Don't worry. I'll get you through this."

"Warm me up, Topper."

She fetched more quilts from a chest and piled them on. "I have to check on the broth now," she said and left him alone.

When she returned, she found him throwing quilts onto the floor. "I'm hot. Why are there so many covers on me? Thalia? Is that you?"

"Of course it's me. Who else would it be? Claramae?" The moment she said it, she recognized her mistake.

"Don't say that name to me," he yelled. "I don't ever wanna hear that name again. That lying, cheating whore. I hope she rots in hell."

"I know." She went to his side and tried to comfort or at least calm him. "I understand. I'm sorry, Dinky. I won't say it again and you won't ever have to worry about her again. She's gone, okay?"

"Gone? Who's gone?"

Doc Spense had said he'd get confused, maybe even see things that weren't there. He'd said to just go along with whatever Dinky said, within reason.

"No one, Dinky. Never mind. Just sleep." On impulse, she began singing a lullaby her mother used to sing.

"Sleep, my baby, on my bosom,

Warm and cozy, it will prove,

Round thee mother's arms are folding,

In her heart a mother's love."

His eyelids slid closed and she tiptoed from the room, still singing.

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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?

Knowing that I'm giving readers pleasure.

Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:

Listen to your spouse, be willing to compromise. Marriage is about giving more than anything else. Make sure you have quality time alone together.

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Runs February 1 – 28

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Author Biography:

Charlene Raddon’s first serious attempt at writing fiction came in 1980 when a vivid dream drove her to drag out a typewriter and begin writing. Because of her love of romance novels and the Wild West, her primary genre is historical romance.

Kensington Books originally published five of her novels. These were later released as eBooks by Tirgearr Publishing. Currently, Charlene is an Indie author. She also designs book covers, specializing in western historical.

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