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Lenora was changing... Three Months to Change: A Paranormal Romance by @DinahRoseberry #PNR #paranor

Title Three Months to Change: A Paranormal Romance

Author Dinah Roseberry

Genre Paranormal Romance

Publisher Visionary Living Publishing

Book Blurb:

Lenora was changing...not in any frightening way. At least, not at first. There was the intense ability to shield herself from abuse that was very empowering. But her other senses had become heightened as well, and that’s when she’d begun seeing scenes from the past, and smoky mists inside her home. Meeting Frankie in the midst of all this had been a wonderful treat—there weren’t many men who could stir her emotions as he was prone to do. Still, there was something strange about him, something she couldn’t put her finger on. Ah, well, desirable men with the air of mystery were compelling and fun. Weren’t they? And Rex? She wasn’t sure about him. He was part of a fearsome family, making her wonder if such tales of werewolves and monsters were true. Just how did she fit in? And why would she even want to? All she kept hearing, however, was that there were only a precious three months before a full change. Time was awastin’.


Lenora was standing in front of the pulsing door and she could feel her own energy skin pulsing right along with the door. It caused her brain to pulse as well, and it was so loud she thought she’d run screaming any moment. But at that last second she felt Frankie at her elbow and she glanced over at him.

“I’m here,” he whispered.

Oddly, she could hear him perfectly well over the pulsating whooshing inside her head. She took a deep breath. He was filmy and see-through and not like he’d been at her apartment earlier. But he was here with her and that was all that mattered. She remembered that this was how it had begun with him being ghostly there and not there. Wait. No, that’s not how it was. He was always right there. Maybe a little ghostly from time to time but never this…transparent. This is different.

“I’m here,” he said again, more insistent this time. “We’ll do this together.”

“Do what?” she returned, now feeling confused in her mind and looking between him and the strange breathing door before her. “Oh...the door. What’s behind it, Frankie?”

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I’m one of the authors participating in the Pot 'O Gold Book Giveaway and you can win an audiobook.

Runs March 1 - 31 and is open internationally.

Winner will be drawn April 1, 2019.

Author Biography:

DINAH ROSEBERRY is an author of both nonfiction and fiction in the paranormal field for over thirty years. She is a paranormal investigator, certified hypnotist for past-life regression and alien abduction, and has studied and taught animal communications. A Tarot card and oracle reader for over twenty years, she has also created card decks and guidebooks that reflect her paranormal and mind/body/spirit interests. Visit her website for more information about her titles and events:

Other paranormal titles by Dinah Roseberry –

Ghosts of Valley Forge and Phoenixville

Cape May Haunts: Elaine’s Haunted Mansion and Other Eerie Beach Tales

Spooky York, Pennsylvania

Spooky Creepy Baltimore County

The Ghost Hunters’ Tool Kit

Psychic Pets: Solving Paranormal Mysteries

Animals Impacting the World

First Light Tarot

Ufo & Alien Management: A Guide to Discovering, Evaluating, and Directing Sightings, Abductions, and Contactee Experiences

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