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  • N. N. Light

Cover Reveal | A Scandal at Crystalline by Roslyn Reid @the_moonshadow and @fosterembry_pub #mystery

Title: A Scandal at Crystalline

Author Roslyn Reid

Genre Murder Mystery

Publisher Foster Embry

Book Blurb

Chandler Hammond’s wife says he and his hot Iranian girlfriend skipped out of their Maine town of Finderne with his company’s millions. But his sister thinks his wife murdered him and hires African-American detective James Early and his teenage son Tikki to find the truth. A Scandal at Crystalline follows them through an intriguing maze of unexpected encounters: financial shenanigans, two beautiful women who were sleeping with each other (and with Chandler Hammond), a police psychic, and a runaway kid in a remote mountain cabin. But things turn dark when their investigation forces them to consider the unimaginable—the sinister side of raku pottery.


Uh-oh, I think she just made me!

Maybe he had rustled the bushes or some critter had made a noise by running through the yard. Whatever the cause, the woman abruptly looked up, then pulled a 9mm Glock pistol from her pocket and pointed it right at his hiding place as she stalked toward the French doors.

Early didn’t stop to determine the exact make of the pistol. His first thought was, Jump back, Jack! and he did just that. Hoping the moonlight was too dim for a lucky shot, he dashed across the backyard and cleared the stone wall like an Olympic hurdler. Better his back should kill him in the morning than she should kill him tonight.

He jumped into his car and waited for the trembling to stop. Burglary was nerve-wracking enough without facing down a gun.

When he regained enough composure to drive, he took the back roads home. The Finderne cops wouldn’t think twice if they saw him roaming around at this hour but he didn’t want to be seen near a mansion which had just been burglarized. That could be a different story and he didn’t think he’d like the ending.

Besides, the leisurely drive home gave him lots of time to think about why the hell somebody would lock a cooler inside a safe.

Buy Links:

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Author Biography:

Roslyn lives with her corgi, Great Pyrenees, and husband in Downeast Maine, where she gardens, lifts weights, hikes, and renovates houses.

Social Media Links

Twitter: @the_moonshadow

Publisher Twitter @fosterembry_pub

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