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  • N. N. Light

Why @AuthorBdl wrote Alexandria: World Class Life Story​ #bookish #writingcommunity

Hi there. I’m BDL and I’m super excited about my debut fiction visionary novel. I’d like to introduce myself to everyone. I should start off by saying that I am not someone who merely woke up one day and decided to become an author. In fact, to be honest, I rarely ever read fiction. I hardly ever do that because I mostly read non-fiction. The only way I typically experience fiction is when viewing movie adaptations. I love those! So I guess the question for now is why did I write a fiction story?

Well, certainly not because I’m “gifted”. Not because I’ve “arrived” and mount a white horse to ride off into the sunset while adorned in a cape. Heaven knows, not because I’m someone who believes my story will save the day because it’s the “greatest” to ever come out in a while. Remember I don’t read fiction, so I wouldn’t know anything about that either way. Nor because Alexandria: World Class Life Story might change your life, which would be awfully presumptuous of me.

The first reason for writing Alexandria was purely for me. In 2014, I was facing a tough time and desperately needed an affordable means of entertainment to give me a mental escape from the daily grind. Secondly, approximately one and a half years later, I was led to spend the entire year of 2016 writing the story given to me. Therefore, I went underground to set my dedication and focus upon Alexandria.

Thirdly, I struggle to maintain my personal beliefs and often flatter myself into thinking that my troubles are uniquely mine and that no one else resides on Depravity Street alongside me. I hurt, I feel pain, I’m constantly “fascinated” (never frustrated) by life’s journey, and I keep falling off the wagon in my pursuit of becoming addiction free. Sugar is a very powerful substance and king sized chocolate bars are the worst. Yet, I start over every morning to fight on for another day. And for the few of you out there who’ve also visited the dungeons of depravity then we can keep each other company through a story that’s uplifting, inspirational, relatable, and thought-provoking. As for me, I began to actively pursue some healing while writing the story and hope that others will too.

All of those reasons framed the embodiment of Alexandria. A drama that offers a realistic, gritty, honest, adaptation of experiences that many of us actually do face in life. Of course, there are some exceptions to this as some people actually do live a pristine existence or at least aspire to that. However, living in a world without sin, crude language, violence, sex and socio-political controversies is a dream; not realistic. Therefore, those things are all interwoven in the story.

Anyone offended by such things would need to tread cautiously, if at all, through Alexandria. The same applies to those who’re appalled by the portrayal of a character who practices faith even while experiencing the filthy controversies of daily life. For those who’re open to reading a story told without any fluff, then get ready for an amazing journey because Alexandria: World Class Life Story would be for you.

As background, my approach to writing Alexandria was to simply make it read like a movie I’d want to watch. And I believe that this made me free to write this visionary story the way intended; no holds barred. I liken writing Alexandria to making a sandwich just the way I like it. If I were to make you a sandwich to eat then I’d make it exactly the way I like it until and if you stipulate otherwise. So that was the method used while constructing Alexandria. The ingredients for this story includes: an omniscient narrator driving the pace of the storyline, a strong main character (MC) who is super flawed and evolved, a comprehensive A- to Z- story narrative from beginning to ending, a sports drama element, the grind of private life, an interwoven political plot, compelling supporting characters, uneasy scenarios that may be a bit uncomfortable yet keeps you invested for the outcome, crude humor, and unpredictability. All told from a worldview perspective.

I believe a good story depicting the dark side of human nature instead of through some artificially engineered villain lends to authenticity. For similar to real life, villainous behavior is commonly perpetuated by people we know, love and trust, more often than by some stranger. This is what the relatable characters of Alexandria portray. Reality based human intricacies that we all encounter in the game of life.

The concepts for Alexandria were derived from my personal tastes. I have always been fascinated by sprinters, my favorite type of athlete. And the conception came about once I realized that I had never ever before seen an extensive fictional portrayal of one. I wanted to be swept away into the sprinter’s world and to add a real life dramatization to these most dynamic athletes whom most people only catch glimpses of every four years. Therefore, Alexandria has given me the chance to pay homage and bring a little glory to the unsung world class runners by creating a fictional MC that could drive and inspire themes of love, resolve and inspiration. After all, sprinters are people too. Maybe uniquely fast but otherwise normal, like everyday people.

Next, I realized my concern for what’s happening in the world today increased along with aging. Hence, the speculative political angle that determinedly shifts the story. Finally, my favorite types of non-fiction books are autobiographies. So using those ideas to create a fictional MC embodying such experiences gave birth to Alexandria. Therefore, it seemed natural to make the story a fictional biographic-political dystopian tale of a world class athlete chronicling common human struggle, failure, growth and triumph. All essential components to a powerful inspirational story set against the backdrop of the American society of the MC’s lifetime.

This is where the prospective political climate of America converges in Alexandria. The narrative of sports and politics make for a provocative ambitious drama laced with themes of humanity, morality and resolution. A subjective ode to my beloved sprinters. My personal fantasy, made real by the characters and plotting portrayed in Alexandria: World Class Life Story. In closing, thank you for giving me your time and accepting the invitation to partake of this epic tale. So, please come. Join me. Let’s take the journey, together.

Title: Alexandria: World Class Life Story

Author: BDL

Genre: Dystopian Bio-Political Fiction Drama

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Book Blurb:

Her greatest victories came at the finish line, but her ultimate triumph was the End Game. Ruth is an iconic Track legend of the late twenty-first century whose autobiography inspires a dynamic political rebellion in a dystopic Judeo-Christophobic America. Her riveting World Class Life Story is paralleled by her growing desire to salvage her beloved nation from doom. But, she must first find a way to embolden a new generation of patriots to make a stand against this establishment.

Alexandria ambitiously explores what can happen when people are persecuted for their personal beliefs. Will this be the end of America? And democracy? Discover the importance of following through with commitments for the sake of those who’ll follow. Are you ready to see how this provocative tale unfolds? Yes! So get set. Get ready. And gear up for the captivating “End Game”.

*It’s not supposed to happen in America, but it does. Read about the unthinkable in the visionary novel Alexandria: World Class Life Story.


THE YEAR 2156, A YEAR Ruth never imagined she’d ever see. One of realizing the sixth year of her centenarian status. The year she was to reach her 106th birthday and accordingly had heard from the Lord in recent months regarding the end of her life. She knew that she didn’t have many years left and as a special favor, he’d given her the heads up to make preparations. A final “get your house in order” sort of deal. After much prayer. . . God revealed that he was going to grant her requests to see her next grandbaby. . . In line with that promise, prayer also revealed something else just as important to Ruth—she needed to spend her last years writing her official biography. In all her years, it was definitely an anomaly to have not done so by then, but to Ruth, it just never seemed to be the right thing to do because the reasoning would’ve been devoid. So being led to write about her life changed something that’s normally done for self-memorialization into an ordained task that was steeped in the necessity for passing down legacy and inheritance to the following generations. . .

Being alive for over a century amounted to a lot of life lessons learned over the years. While Ruth didn’t comprehend every detail of those plans for writing her life story, she discerned that it may not have had anything at all to do with her. But instead maybe everything to do with something or someone else. Or maybe even perhaps more far reaching than any single individual. And that’s exactly what occurred to her a few days prior as she sat down for breakfast one morning. While watching the news, there was an endless cycle of headlines that framed the political climate of the nation and the rest of the world. A sharp contrast to how things used to be when this 105-year-old woman had individual freedoms. . .

POTUS Daniel Stuart led off the news on that morning as he embarked upon a six-continent tour to ten countries in order to mark his second term in office. One would think that he must’ve been a quite popular president to be reelected and that certainly had a ring of truth to it. But the question waged on as to whom was he popular with? Well in short order, not with those from the Jewish-Christian heritage. For POTUS Stuart wasted no time in fulfilling campaign promises which made many of his supporters very happy. No doubt as a staunch agnostic and proud one at that, he was the golden boy to those groups of American citizens and, apparently, the majority as well because again he was elected to the highest office twice.

So one could imagine how happy the masses were when he banned. . .

. . . Certainly, Ruth was not a fan of POTUS Stuart.

“What a foolish president,” she whispered to herself as the news feed highlighted moments from his world tour. One thing about the evolution of a woman who’s lived over one hundred years, is the shifting of priorities about various issues. When younger, she was more concerned about herself and her family—same as anybody else. But as Ruth grew older, the purview of concern went fluid and encompassed fears, worries, and uncertainties for not only the aforementioned but just as much for younger generations, America, and the rest of the world. While sipping on her coffee, Ruth pondered the ramifications. . .

. . . So sad, she reflected.

Lord, the time is coming real soon. We’re on the brink of having to complete what was started many, many years ago . . . the mission . . . TAP. . . I’m worried about this nation, and the world, and my family. I’m scared for them. So please show me the way to at least pass along the legacy you gave my family. I don’t know who you have in mind. . . nor do I have any clue as to whom you’ll designate to lead the charge but just in case I’m not around when the time comes, use me now while I’m still living to put it in the hands of the right person or persons please. And since I don’t have much time left, I’m gonna need for you to expedite locating a biographer for me. . .

*Her life changed everything and inspired resistance. Will Ruth meet her biographer? What’s TAP? Discover all of that and so much more in BDL’s epic novel, Alexandria: World Class Life Story.

**This story takes dramatic license with political and religious subject matter. No fluff.**

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BDL would like to thank each and every one of you. Hopefully the story influences you in some positive way. BDL would love to hear about how the story affected you and if you feel so inclined then honest reviews, either way, are always helpful. Also please feel free to email any respectful and clean comments, questions or thoughts to BDL at

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