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Book Review | Secrets Return (Leftover Girl Book 2) by @ccbolick #yalit #bookreview #scifi

N. N. Light

Title: Secrets Return (Leftover Girl Book 2)

Author: C.C. Bolick

Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Mystery

Book Blurb:

Jes Delaney's story from Leftover Girl continues after months of fighting to recover her memory. She's no closer to learning the truth about what happened the night she ran away, or to finding Chase. When someone discovers the articles from New York, lies begin to pile up as Jes must keep everyone in the dark or risk disappearing again. She finds an odd ally in Pade, who came home distant and broken. Something happened in Colorado to change him, but Jes holds back because he'll never understand her secrets. She still dreams about the gunshot, but now her hands are soaked in blood. Jes wonders why Chase hasn't returned and if her parents will ever forgive her for hiding that she wasn't born on Earth.

My Review:

Jes is a teenage alien living among humans. She’s still unsure what happened the night she ran away. All she knows is that her brother Chase is missing and he’s trying to reach her in her dreams. But where is he? Can she get to him in time or will her bloody dreams come true? In order to save her loved ones, she lies to protect them. She feels so alone yet finds some comfort with Pade. Can she confide in him her dark secret and if so, will he just laugh in her face? One thing’s for sure, her memory is slowing coming back and she’s not sure she can handle the truth.

Secrets Return is book two in the Leftover Girl series and it answers many of the questions hanging in the wind from book one. It’s a gripping story with intense action, mystery and drama. The cruz of the story is Jes and what’s happening to her. Emotionally driven, the plot moves at a steady pace. Many returning characters from book one and there’s a few new ones too. The backstory of Jessica broke my heart and I just wanted to wrap my arms around her. Teenage suicide is portrayed honestly and well done.

The addition of Pade is where Bolick lost me. I didn’t see the need for him as a character plus he’s a total jerk. I’m still not sure what the point of him is but maybe it will come to me in the next book.

If you’re looking for a strong yet vulnerable heroine in a young adult science fiction series, pick this up today. I can’t wait for the next installment.

Favorite Character/Quote: Jes. The more I read of Jes, the more I grow attached to her. She’s discovering who she is and certain powers she possesses while also learning what it means to be an alien living among humans. Her emotions are real and honest which adds to the depth of her as a main character. I can’t wait to see where Bolick will lead her next.

My Rating: 4 stars

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Free to read on Kindle Unlimited!

Author Biography:

C.C. Bolick is the author of eight young adult books, including the Leftover Girl Series and The Agency Series. She grew up in a small Alabama town where she learned the best roads were always the muddiest. An engineer by day and author by night, C.C. loves to mix teenage drama with her favorite genres—romance, sci-fi, and paranormal.

She writes complex stories about seemingly normal teens who learn they're anything but normal. C.C. likes her characters with big hearts, room to grow, and the strength to fight for what they believe in.

If you enjoy page-turning drama, family secrets, epic love stories, and a special power or two, her books might be for you.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 


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