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Book Review | The Mine’s Eye: Book Two of the Harker Investigates Mysteries by Karina McRoberts @Gak

Title: The Mine’s Eye: Book Two of the Harker Investigates Mysteries

Author: Karina McRoberts

Genre: Historical Mystery, Time Travel

Book Blurb:

Intending detective Michael Harker once again chances the time portal in the earthquake-damaged book store. Memory impaired from a brutal beating and subject to strange shifts in consciousness, Mike is aided by the love of this life, Mae Belle, music hall singer and stage magician.

But Mae’s magic is more than an act. She plans to use it for revenge.

In the present, lovable rogue and free-thinker Mari Linden, with new career move in mind assists from her book shop, the erstwhile and perhaps contemporary abode of Obeithio Sargent, original owner.

The trail leads Mike and Mae to Kalgoorlie, boom town of the gold rush days. Mike goes mine hopping and Mae joins a dance hall review where she learns of fiendish plot. But can it be time?

My Review:

This book is a challenging read but one that rewards the stalwart reader who keeps with it. The continuing story of Mike and Mae and Mari is crafted in a way that keeps the reader guessing as to exactly where the story will go next. The author creates a road block for Mae's easier transition into the 21st century by having her witness a horrific accident. This couples with Mike's continuing issues to create potential schisms for this amazing couple. Alas, the power of love shines through and neither trauma or time can stop these two.

The investigations that Mike partakes in 1904 are fascinating and keep the reader on edge throughout. This book rewards the reader with another great ending too. Probably not a book that could really be a standalone but it is a solid continuation after the brilliant first book.

The postscript explanations are really effective and perhaps could also be used in a footnote fashion after each chapter. A good read that pushed me to my limit but was rewarding in the end.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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Author Biography:

Once-was scientist; now writer, artist, musician, and theatre producer. I want my books to create joy, to inspire, to entertain. I want to use them to "give back" to people who need something heart-lifting and entertaining. To put as much positive energy into the world as I can.

To add the magic the world needs; it can be very hard to find, so I make that my job.

I also like to help others achieve their creative potential :) Yay! Writing since 2013, Karina McRoberts has published five novels in two genres - a time travel adventure/romance series (The Palace of the Stars and The Mine's Eye) and an epic fantasy trilogy with a female lead and modern themes (Chelandra, Master of the World, and Juggernaut). Her smaller works include an anthology and a short-story (The Haunting of York - A Ghostly Anthology and Lost and Found - A Ghost Story).

Karina derives inspiration from living in a beautiful forest, while working with her husband to restore the remainder of their environs from degraded farmland to habitat for wildlife. Tahshi, their wonder dog extraordinaire, is a friend to all.

In addition to being an avid conservationist, Karina is a musician with a keen interest in world and renaissance music. She has wandered very far and been engaged in a variety of professions, ranging from migrant sweat-shop labourer to research scientist. Recently, she's been busy as a lizard surgeon and sometime snake handler.

Karina has intense interests in the evolution of social justice and the expansion of human (and animal) consciousness.

Never at a loss for inspiration, she aims to bring her readers entertainment, enlightenment and, most of all, pure enjoyment!

Karina is presently hard at work on her next novel, The Light, Book Three of the Harker Investigates Mysteries.

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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