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  • N. N. Light

9 fun writerly facts about Mrs. N aka N. N. Light #writingcommunity #amwriting #romance

1) The first story I ever wrote was about a princess who escaped her ivory tower and became best friends with a purple dragon named Patsy. I know, the name could use work but I was a rebel, even back then. I wrote it for English class and got an A+. Ahhh, my first review.

2) I have a hard time writing in the company of others. That’s why I can’t write in a coffee shop or surrounded by people. I feel self-conscious and my muse shuts down. I have to be alone with no prying eyes peeking over my shoulder.

3) I get distracted easily. Thus, no television on but music is a must for my writing environment. If there is something that catches my eye, I have to force myself back to my writing. Otherwise, procrastination takes hold and I’ll never get anything done.

4) I free-write a lot. I talk about the freedom and flooding of ideas that happens every time I free-write. The act of just letting my fingers do the talking is one of the best ways my characters emerge.

5) When I was 16, I won first prize in a poetry contest paying tribute to our veterans. I won $50 and invited to be on a float. I spent the money on books and politely declined to appear on the float (painfully shy).

6) I use life experiences to create real, honest characters in my writing. I’m a firm believer that life is filled with inspiration. All of my friends and family know if they confess something that happened to them, I will probably use it in my writing.

7) Planting the Seeds of Love: A Novella is my first foray into contemporary romance. I've been a reader of romance since I was twelve and the pressure was on. I normally write paranormal romance but I loved co-writing this novella with Mr. N. Sally's story flowed out of me faster than I could write it down.

8) I got caught up in the proper way of writing almost five years ago and as a result, lost my writing fire. I listened to a few so-called experts who told me I was doing it wrong. The thing is, each writer has his/her own writing style and I have my own way of telling a story. It’s what makes me unique. I’m happy to say that I am back to writing in my own style and happier than I've ever been.

9) I write flash fiction as a warm-up to writing a novel/novella. I start with a writing prompt and let my muse take over. It gets the ideas flowing and my fingers write faster than I can keep up. I then keep them for later book ideas. Planting the Seeds of Love: A Novella came from a flash fiction story I wrote back in March 2015.

A few bonus facts about me:

I love to read books. It’s a passion of mine and I continue to discover new authors.

I love to bake goodies and my new favorite thing is to add boxed chocolates to brownie batter and bake. It adds such a depth of chocolate flavor and sophistication.

I’m a happy positive person, most of the time. Sometimes I get frustrated and tired but then I give myself a shake and am happy again.

Title: Planting the Seeds of Love: A Novella

Author: N. N. Light

Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult, New Adult Romance

Tagline: City or Country… only Sally’s heart knows what’s right and true.


The day her grandfather died, Sally’s life changed forever.

Twenty-Two-year-old Sally Rayton returns to the family farm she deserted four years ago to bury her grandfather. Her plan: to settle her grandfather’s estate and return to her life in the city with her boyfriend, Trevor Mattson.

Her childhood friend, Jack Smith, has other ideas.

Jack convinces Sally to transform the farm into a brewery and fulfill her grandfather’s dream while keeping the Rayton Farm in the family. Sally works side-by-side with Jack while Trevor is hundreds of miles away in the city. The more time she spends with Jack, the stronger her feelings are for him. Sally’s torn between her new feelings for her best friend, Jack and her boyfriend, Trevor.

When Trevor shows up to propose to Sally right before Christmas and finds her in Jack’s embrace, she’s unsure which man she loves. Will it be her best friend and farmer, Jack, or will it be rich, successful Trevor? City or Country… only Sally’s heart knows what’s right and true.


Jack took a step back letting go of her pinky. He crossed his arms; his eyes glittered angrily.

"You love me?" He snorted. "You don't even know I exist."

Sally's nostrils flared. Taking a step back, she crossed her arms.

"That's a fine thing to say to me after all we've been through." She turned to leave. "Maybe Trevor's right..."

"What?" Jack sat down on the cot, not looking at her. "What did Trevor tell you?"

"Trevor has a buyer for the farm. It's a friend of his father's and he loves the idea of a brewery out here in the country. He wants to add a restaurant and make it some sort of oasis for city folk." She ran her fingers through her blonde hair.

"A buyer?" He put his head in his hands and sighed. "It's too fast."

"What are you talking about?" She looked down at her watch, wishing she hadn't come. Her sister was right; men were nothing but trouble.

"Look, I know I've messed things up." He stood and walked towards her. "But you've got to give the farm and me a second chance." He extended his hand through the bars.

Sally's emotions shook her body. Guilt, love, pain, regret, anger and hope battled for supremacy in her heart. She eyed his outstretched hand warily. Could she trust him? Could he be depended upon?

"Why should I give you another chance, Jack?" She let her arms fall to her sides. A force not her own pulled her body closer to his. She whispered, "You hurt me." Tears welled up but she didn't care.

He reached up and wiped her tears away.

"Oh Sally," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

Her lower lip quivered.

"I'm so sorry. I'm a first-class jerk." He cupped her face with his hands. "Please don't cry."

Sally closed her eyes. She felt like a tiny dingy in the middle of the ocean, battered and torn in pieces. She leaned her head against the bars.

"Your opinion matters most, it always has. When you say things like you just did, it tears me apart." She lifted her head. "I need you, Jack. I can't do this without you."

Jack exhaled slowly.

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Author Biography:

N. N. Light is the award-winning husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Mrs. N. has been creating stories ever since she was little. Her grandfather remembers when she was two years old, she would stand at the top of the stairs and tell him a story filled with emotion (and in a language foreign to him) with her hands on her hips. Let’s just say she was a born storyteller.

They’re blissfully happy and love all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports, trains, history, cooking and baking. Their mantra is to spread the Light.

Most of the time you can find them on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. They’re a proud member of ASMSG and Independent Author Network.

In addition to being authors, they’re also book promoters/reviewers, social media marketers/influencers and the owners of N. N. Light Author Promotions. They both love books, have ever since they were young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives them great pleasure.

They’d love to connect with you either via email or via these various social media sites:

©2015-2024 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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