Celebrate Audiobook Month with Escape from Samsara by @itsnickyblue #humor #fantasy #audiobook
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Celebrate Audiobook Month with Escape from Samsara by @itsnickyblue #humor #fantasy #audiobook

Title: Escape from Samsara

Author: Nicky Blue

Genre: Humorous Fantasy

Book Blurb:

A fatal mistake catapults Barry into the adventure of a lifetime. With talking hedges, samurai ghosts, meddling psychotherapists, and an inexplicably non-linear time pattern conspiring against him, Barry must do battle to save his hide, unleash the ninja within, and rescue his father from an ancient army, a dark sorcerer and a raging inferno.

Audiobook Clip:

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What makes this a must-listen audiobook?

Because it is a comedy about a time travelling gardener that is guaranteed to make you wet your plants!

Author Biography:

Hi, I'm Nicky, I am from Brighton in England. I grew up fascinated by books like Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected and t.v. shows like The Twilight Zone. I now have a passion for writing fantasy and dark comedy fiction. I love stories that dig beneath the surface of everyday life and play in the shadow worlds that we all have.

Narrator: David Morley Hale

Author Social Media Links:

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