Title: Granny Can’t Remember Me
Author: Susan McCormick
Genre: Children’s picture book about illness, Parenting, Alzheimer’s
Book Blurb:
Granny Can’t Remember Me is a lighthearted picture book about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia told from the perspective of a six-year-old boy, appropriate for preschool and early elementary school children, ages 3 – 8. Granny can’t remember that Joey likes soccer and rockets and dogs. Granny can’t remember much of anything. But with Granny’s stories of her Three Best Days, Joey knows she loves him just the same. Granny Can’t Remember Me shows a boy’s acceptance and love for his grandmother despite her unfortunate illness.
Granny can’t remember me. She doesn’t know my name. She can’t remember I like soccer and rockets and dogs, and that I don’t like raisins.
I lost my tooth. I scraped my knee. I kicked a goal. But Granny doesn’t know.
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What makes this book a must-read and/or what inspired you to write this story:
My mother and father-in-law had Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is very common. Almost 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, and that number will grow quickly as the population ages. That’s a lot of grandparents, and a lot of grandchildren, like mine, who need coping skills for this sometimes scary and sad family situation. It took our family a while to come up with tricks and tools to keep our time with my mother joyful. Until we did, my boys definitely witnessed their granny getting agitated when she knew her memory was going and we didn’t know how to shape our conversations so they were pleasurable for all. I hope my book can help children enjoy their experience with their grandparents, even with and allowing for the Alzheimer’s.
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Runs September 1 – 30
Drawing will be held on October 1.

Author Biography:
Susan McCormick is an author and doctor who lives in Seattle. She also wrote The Fog Ladies a cozy murder mystery set in San Francisco. She graduated from Smith College and George Washington University School of Medicine, with additional medical training in Washington, DC and San Francisco. She served nine years in the military before settling in the Pacific Northwest. She is married and has two boys, plus a giant Newfoundland dog. Her mother and father-in-law had Alzheimer’s disease.
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