Title: Every Mile a Memory
Author: Grea Warner
Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction
Book Blurb:
A chance encounter leads to a road never imagined and the possibility of dreams coming true.
Going on tour with a band was never on Maya Shriver’s radar. But then neither was being a widow in her mid-thirties. And finding happiness again? Well, that was out of the question.
When danger erupts, Maya is abruptly thrown together with Hawk Brannigan—a country singer’s right-hand man. And she finds out that, once again, life can change in an instant. Suddenly, Maya is not only in a new career but she’s also allowing herself to love again.
As Maya begins to unpack her grief and move on, a misunderstanding from the past may cause the couple to travel in different directions.
The empty, faux-wood bucket swung loosely in my hand. I was on a mission to find the hotel’s ice machine, located inconveniently, of course, in an obscure location on an opposing floor. But my real mission wasn’t ice. In fact, I rarely put the cold cubes in my beverages. My real reason for the late afternoon search was to have a moment to myself.
We had been in the Keys for a little more than twenty-four hours. Although I loved the warmth and the relaxing, beachy pace, we had been together practically non-stop. But the thing was, I had become used to solitude and realized now I even kind of craved it.
A tall, built man, most likely around my age, was approaching in the otherwise empty hall. He was flanked by two children—a boy, maybe four years old, and a little girl who did more of a waddle than a toddle. I internally cringed, thinking that now I had to acknowledge them with either a generic stranger “hello” or one of those quick, fake-smile deals. At least my peace and quiet wouldn’t be interrupted that long.
And then it was…in the most violent kind of way. The popping sound was quite recognizable and one that haunted my dreams on a regular basis. It was loud. It was deadly. And it was definitely near.
Just as startled as I was, the man, still many feet in front of me, grabbed the little girl in one of his well-defined arms and started at a quicker pace in my direction. But the boy didn’t follow. He stopped mid-stream and turned toward the obvious gunfire.
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What makes this book a must-read and/or what inspired you to write this story:
I love telling the story of how this book came to be! Summer concerts are one of my favorite pastimes. A group of friends and I were exiting a concert and started talking with the people around us. They mentioned that they were going to travel to see the band in the Riviera Maya. As much as we wanted to book tickets, too, it wasn’t meant to be for us. But it got me to thinking…what if we did go on a girls getaway and met up with the band and… That is how Every Mile a Memory starts. I decided to name the main character Maya since the whole idea started from the Riviera Maya. After researching the name, I found out it has to do with fertility. So, I put a little spin on that fact to further the story along. The only thing I needed was a male lead in the story. A reader mentioned to me that they hoped Hawk, in the Country Roads series, would have his own story. So…voila!
My tagline is: emotional…dramatic…heartwarming. And, Every Mile a Memory most definitely hits all three of those. Told in first person, the reader gets to experience Maya’s inner thoughts as she begins to move on from the grief of losing her husband and learns to love again. Both she and Hawk have physical and emotional obstacles to overcome to be together. And it all starts on the opening page when they first meet amongst the sound of gunfire.
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Author Biography:
There really wasn’t any other path. Grea Warner knew from a young age that she wanted to write. She was born to write. First it was in diaries with little metal keys and in written tales that she slipped to friends in study hall. School newspapers, a college television drama, and the soap opera world were next. After producing and writing a local show, she decided to delve into the world of the novelist. When her fingers aren’t tapping out her latest book filled with angst and romance, Grea can be found hiking the trails or jamming to her favorite country artists on the radio.
Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grea.warner.7
Twitter: @grea_warner
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greawarner/