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  • N. N. Light

Witching Hour Madness (Star Crossed Series Book 4) by @JRWhite84 is a Trick or Treat Book Bonanza Pi

Title: Witching Hour Madness (Star Crossed Series Book 4)

Author: J.R. White

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

The Witching Hour is upon them, and Meredith Blackburn finds herself navigating family politics and community gossip. When the doors lock down, so does her magic, and she starts to wonder about the foreboding feeling that has been tickling her neck all night. With Meredith at his side, Malcolm Blackwood is ready to face the elite magic community he once ran away from. Asked to help track down a missing magical threat, he finds something more frightening than the golden ring in his pocket. Can they stop an ancient threat? Or will the magic users be consumed?


They stayed like that for a few moments. Meredith needed his support, and she was sure Malcolm needed hers. His hands moved to hold her close and for a second she was able to let herself breathe. The stress of appearing at the Samhain Ball had been eating at her. Her family, his family, and every other influential member of the magical community would be there.

By now all of them knew the head of the Blackburn family was dating the second son of the Blackwood family.

For most of them, that was hot gossip, and for some it was open aggression. Already people were beginning to wonder if one family was trying to take over the other. Depending on who was asked, it was either Meredith forcing Calvin Blackwood’s hand into cooperation or it was Malcolm trying to take part of the spotlight his brother held.

Malcolm rubbed his hands down Meredith’s back, bringing her back from the reality of facing those people, and asked, “How did you get here?”

Remembering Calvin’s frustration at his missing son, Meredith barely held back her laugh when she answered, “Your dad let me step through a door.”

Pulling back from Meredith, Malcolm looked shocked again and asked, “He really let you do that? You didn’t have to trade your soul away or anything?” Turning away from her, he reached out to the closest tracking portal and pressed it closed between his palms.

“Apparently your mom really wants to see you all dressed up. Either way, you’re my ride home, so let’s go. I don’t want to be late,” Meredith said, letting out the laugh she’d been holding back. When they had started dating, she was convinced his family would do everything possible to keep them apart. She never expected her greatest ally would be Malcolm’s mother.

Meredith couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her lips and watched Malcolm’s complete defeat as he pressed another spell closed. She was careful to avoid looking directly at the bright portals as he closed them down one by one.

Back by her side again, Malcolm wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled out one of his travel candles. “Right. Can’t be late.” Holding up the bit of wax and wick, he lifted an eyebrow. “Care to light the way?”

Lifting up her hand, Meredith snapped her finger over the blackened tip of the wick and summoned the fire that would take them home.


The flash of magic faded and Malcolm blinked. Back in their apartment, he let his arm drop away from Meredith and silently prayed a rock would drop from the sky and knock him out. Fancy balls and all the social elite weren’t his thing. He’d already attended his brother’s wedding the month before.

With his family, one or two appearances a year had been more than enough, but now that he was living with the head of the Blackburn family, it seemed he was required to show his face more often.

Malcolm watched Meredith walk away from him and towards their bedroom. He felt bad for trying to get out of the ball, but his lover didn’t seem to hold it against him now that he was going. At least, he hoped not. “You’re still mad?” he asked, moving to follow after her.

On his first step, something swatted the back of his head. Spinning around, Malcolm came face to face with Meredith’s new attendant. “What the hell, Sydny?” he asked, rubbing the sore spot left behind by her hand.

Dark, chocolate brown eyes stared back at him, unwavering. With her ever present frown, Sydny answered, “You worried her.”

A flood of guilt crashed into him again and Malcolm let out a sigh. “She would have been fine without me. She’s been going to these things her entire life.”

Sydny Vatel hadn’t just taken on the job as Meredith’s personal attendant. She’d taken on the role of best friend and confidant. It wasn’t rare, but Malcolm was surprised by the fierce nature of Sydny’s loyalty to his lover. “She wants to go on your arm,” she said matter-of-factly, and he could see the challenge in her eyes.

There was no arguing that. Meredith had made it clear she wanted Malcolm to attend with her. It was their first foray into society as a couple, and it was more than some random elite gathering. It was a show of trust and commitment to the community. “I know,” he said with a nod. He was happy she came for him. If he’d stayed out and missed the ball he never would have lived down the hurt she would have felt.

“Then go get ready,” Sydny said sharply.

The attendant turned and marched away. Letting relief wash over him, Malcolm shivered. Sydny Vatel was not a woman to be messed with. Between the hint of a Creole accent and her otherworldly ability to read him like an open book, the woman could easily be as scary as his own mother.

Buy Links:

Free to read on Kindle Unlimited!

If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?

Normally I’d go as whatever counterpart my daughter’s costume is. For a few years she chose to go as male characters from different anime and I would also dress up as a male character from the same anime to make her feel more comfortable trick or treating. That’s not needed this year, so this year I want to go as the mom watching all the fun with a cup of coffee in one hand and an extra bag for candy in the other.

Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:

It’s a modern look at what ancient Halloween traditions could have turned into if magic was real in our world today. It’s also the big come out for the leading lady and her hero. Until this book their relationship is whispered rumor, but they always had a taste for shattering social conventions. This way they get to do it while wearing high fashion.


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Runs October 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on November 1.

Author Biography:

Born in the Upstate of South Carolina, I spend most of my time with my supportive and loving family or arguing with fictional characters. I've been writing since before I could write. At a young age I started telling stories and later even attempted to tell stories through comic style drawing and writing.

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