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A Rockstar Christmas Wedding by @carlakrae is a Celebrate Weddings pick #romance #weddings #giveaway

Title: A Rockstar Christmas Wedding (West Coast Soulmates #3)

Author: Carla Krae

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Organizing a Christmas Day wedding in two weeks is insane.

Dylan proposed the week of Thanksgiving and suggested a Christmas wedding. We met on Christmas Eve, but he means this year. It’s a private argument I’m winning—until he tells his rockstar friends and their wives who are my best gals. Now everyone’s excited!

Complicating things? I took a pregnancy test the day before that proposal, Dylan lives in L.A., and I live in Big Bear. That baby’s coming in six-ish months, so we need a house, which I have on the mountain—we met in a snowstorm—but he doesn’t want the two-hour commute.

It’s the first big test of our relationship and it scares me.

Which will win—my practical side or the magic of the season?

This story is intended for readers 18 and over due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations.


Mom still lived in the ‘50s Rolling Hills house I grew up in, a cottage-y ranch my parents bought before home values skyrocketed. I was driving my small SUV with Dylan beside me, the radio on instead of the usual audiobook I listened to for the long treks to L.A. It was crazy I was this nervous. Mom liked Dylan. When I called her to tell her he proposed, she congratulated us and said we’d have to dress shop soon.

This morning’s tone had to be about the surprise of the baby news not coming from us. Now I wasn’t in panic mode, I saw things more clearly, and that wasn’t the moment she’d probably envisioned for learning about her first grandchild.

Wow. I was making my mother a grandma. A pretty hip and cool grandma. Mom was fifty-five, a taken-care-of fifty-five, and usually more up on current events than me. She’d be that way even without a teenager under her roof.

Ooo, Shelley was going to kill me for leaving her out of stuff, too.

“Honey, relax,” Dylan said. “You might crack the steering wheel,” he teased.

I shook out one hand, then the other. “Sorry, I know I’ve been a whack-job today. I was just thinking and realizing I’m borrowing trouble that’s not there.”

He rubbed my knee. “Your mom likes me.”

“She does. Hey, none of us was expecting a baby right now.”

We finally got up the hill to my old subdivision, two minutes from the four-bedroom house with so many memories. I drove past white picket fences until I turned into the correct driveway. Multi-color Christmas lights lined the perimeter of the roof of the white house.

Neither of us opened a door. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“Come in with me,” I suddenly decided.

“Okay.” He handed me my purse from the floor in front of him and we left my car.

When I came around to his side, he took my hand again, linking our fingers. With a nod, I started up the walkway to the front door, passing my mother’s pruned roses. A deep breath in and out, then I rang the bell.

The footsteps on the other side were loud, meaning—

“Hi, guys!” Shelley exclaimed after swinging the door open. “He knocked you up, huh?”

Dylan snickered. I rolled my eyes and hugged her. “Ever the icebreaker.”

“Mom!” Shelley yelled. I rubbed my ear.

“Yes, dear, I heard. The neighbors heard.” Our mother came from the living room to the entry hallway. “About time you showed up. Sit down, take your coat off.”

We sat on the neutral taupe sofa, she took the wingback chair opposite me, and Shelley sprawled in the loveseat like always.

“So, why did I have to hear about your pregnancy from your sister stalking a fan page?”

Shelley rolled her eyes. “Twitter, Mom. I was looking at a live-feed of the concert Jen didn’t invite me to.”

Dylan raised his hand. “That was my fault, Mrs. Wright. I wasn’t supposed to spill the beans, but—”

“Mom, I wasn’t trying to hide or lie about anything. I just wanted to be sure before telling anyone. I’ve only entered the third month. Dylan was on an adrenaline high from a good show and—”


She tapped her fingers on the armrest, something she did anywhere she was thinking, and said, “How are you feeling?”

I relaxed into the sofa. “Okay. Sleepy a lot.”

She nodded, settling into her chair. “I was always yawning while I carried you. She gave me insomnia.”

Shelley eye-rolled again. “Yeah, yeah, I ‘was such an active baby’, blah, blah.”

We laughed. Mom, like a lot of mothers, had often told us her pregnancy stories.

“Well, you’ll be moving up your wedding plans?”

I glanced at Dylan. “We haven’t decided, yet. I wasn’t sure I might be pregnant until I missed my second period, so—”

Mom frowned. “Jenny, you won’t have time once that baby comes, trust me.”

“I suggested Christmas,” he announced.

I gave him a look. “Which is only two weeks away and way too soon.”

“Actually, that’s a beautiful idea, Dylan,” Mom said. “You met on Christmas Eve.”

My head turned to her. “Really? You don’t think that’s rushed?”

She shrugged. “Can’t put the baby back in the bottle, darling, and I’m sure your young man has people that can quickly arrange an intimate ceremony.”

“One of my friends already offered his converted barn.”


My face for him said not helping! He smiled innocently like we hadn’t already had this argument for weeks.

“I think it’s romantic,” Shelley said. “Christmas lights and glittery snow and red flowers. Ooo, and all the treats for dessert!”

“You’re outnumbered, Jennifer,” she said with a smile—the one of triumph she wore any time she got one over on Dad.

“It’s my wedding day.” But I couldn’t keep the pout out of my voice. Damn.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Jen and Dylan are in a pressure cooker to organize a wedding for Christmas Day after only getting engaged in November, but every time they face a problem, they come through it better. They never quit fighting for each other. Bonus: lots of holiday feels, hot sex, and awesome friends making this couple’s dream come true.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $30 Amazon (US) gift card:

Open Internationally.

Runs June 8 – June 12, 2021.

Winner will be drawn on June 16, 2021.

Author Biography:

Romance writer. Weaver. History's daughter. Gardener. Retired singer. Nerd! Debuting in 2011, Carla Krae lives in California with a house full of crazy cats and a tech guy.

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