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Author Spotlight | Get to know prolific writer Janet Lane Walters @JanetL717 #writer #romance #cozy

Janet Lane Walters here. I call myself an eclectic writer since I write in a number of subgenres, I’ve been published for 52 years with some breaks when life intruded. This involved dealing with four children and helping them further their education. To make this possible I returned to work as a nurse. I’m sure if you’ve read any of my books medicine plays a role in many of them. I was married to the same man for 62 years. Unfortunately, he died this year. I’ve lived in a number of places, starting in Pennsylvania where I was born. There have been stops in Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and New York where most of those years have lived. I fell in love with the Hudson Valley and live 2 short blocks from the river.

As to why I’m an eclectic writer. I love to read and do read most anything I can find. When I began writing, my stories were short stories and were mostly for a general audience. I had nearly a dozen published when the market began to dry up. An editor read one of my stories and liked the idea. She said it would like the synopsis for a novel. So I decided to change course and learn more about the craft of writing novels. I may have read every book on writing I could find and took what the editor had called a synopsis and turned it into Murder and Mint Tea. No one wanted it or any of the other novels I’d written. Then electronic publishing came into the world. I became a multi-published author rapidly. The first book came out in 1998 though I signed the contract with a small publisher in 1997. While I haven’t made a fortune, I have managed to make money each year above what I spend for promotion and other things like programs. I found my current publisher and as the other publishers dried up was able to have my rights back and send the books off to Books We Love in Canada.

Now a bit about what I write. I never realized until my publisher decided to list the first book of my series on sale about how many series or trilogies I have written. Often the books start out as one of a kind and then grow from there with a character or two wanting their own story. I have a series of cozy mysteries. Murder and Mint Tea is the book that began as a short story turned synopsis. There are also contemporary series that range from sweet to savory as well as stand-alone contemporary romances. I once did a book in serial form that is now a complete book. The Aries Libra, the first book in the Opposites in Love series is on sale as is the first book of the Seduction Series, Seducing the Chef. I also have paranormal books, one medical suspense and assorted stories. There is a fantasy series for the young and adults as well. Of the Affinities series Searches, the first book is on sale. Another fantasy series is present and Search For the White Jewel in the Jewels of Earda series is on sale. Finally there are fantasy romance series. There are the paranormal books several of which deal with reincarnation or a form of time travel. One of these based on an alternate Egypt trilogy is part of the sales. Of these The Temple of Fyre from the Island of Fyre series is also on sale. I’ve also been published in poetry, short stories and in non-fiction books. One of these books won an EPIC Award for best non-fiction.

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Title The Aries Libra Connection

Author Janet Lane Walters

Genre Contemporary Medical Romance

Publisher Books We Love Publishing

Book Blurb

Jenessa is Aries, a nurse, union advocate and likes a good fight.

Eric is Libra, Director of Nursing, and believes in compromise.

Can these two find a way to uncover the underhanded events at the hospital? They’re on opposite sides but the attraction between them is strong. She’s a widow who fought to save her husband’s life during a code. She feels guilty because the love she and her husband shared had died before his death. He assisted at the code but he feels guilty since he was the one who was responsible for the short staffing the night her husband died. Now they face falling in love and trying to solve the problems between the nurse’s union and the president of the hospital’s Board who wants a take over of the hospital by his hospital group. Is their connection strong enough to survive?


“Simone, remember Eric.” Sam winked. “See you at the buffet. Me and this woman’s got to talk about her attitude.” He gestured toward the pitcher for the nurses. “Looks like you made an impression.”

He knew he had, but not the one he wanted. He strode to first base, retrieved the beer and straightened.

She stood on the base. “I was safe, you know.”

“Really?” He raised the can to his lips without lowering his gaze. The sweat-stained tee shirt hugged her ribs and clung to her breasts. He swallowed a mouthful of warm, stale beer he hadn’t meant to drink and caught the edge of a memory.

He knew her. Though their first meeting had lasted less than an hour, he remembered her fire and determination. He’d watched her ply every skill and trick she knew and he had stepped in to help. For a short time, they’d been a team.

She made a face. “I mean a real nurse.” She turned and jogged away.

“What?” If Bishop hadn’t grabbed Eric’s arm, he would have followed her and demanded an explanation. The desire for a confrontation rocked him.

Bishop laughed. “That’s one fine looking little girl. Needs a man to blunt her claws.” He winked. “You interested?”

“What did she mean by a real nurse?”

“Seems she thinks only bedside nurses should have a say in how the hospital’s run.” Bishop ground his cigar on the sun-browned grass. “Girl’s a born leader.”

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Author Biography

Janet Lane Walters has been a published author for 50 plus years with time out to return to nursing for about ten years. She is published in a number of genres from contemporary romance to fantasy, paranormal, mysteries, and non-fiction. She has also published short stories and poetry. She currently lives in the scenic Hudson Valley. A recent widow, she has four children and seven grandchildren.

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