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  • N. N. Light

Autumn’s Gold by @LucyKubash is a Scary Reads for Halloween pick #romance #halloween #giveaway

Title: Autumn’s Gold

Author: Lucy Naylor Kubash

Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance

Book Blurb:

Four romance stories that take place in the golden season known as Autumn. In Patchwork Autumn, Marty Cutter finds herself drawn to Dr. Patrick Brady, the new man in town, but who is the lady he is hoping will move to Montana? In October Spell, Jilly MacPherson still lives in the shadow of her great aunt's reputation. As Halloween approaches, will it keep Adam Spencer at arm's length? Bus Ride to Love finds Ellen Curtis taking the long way home, only to meet Douglas Maddock, a man who may make her think about changing her life. Lauren Patterson finds that her grandfather's Legacy of Love may lead to building a new legacy with Matthew Brenner.

Excerpt from October Spell:

For as long as she could remember, Jilly MacPherson had always loved October. She loved the vibrant colors, the smoky scent in the air, and the feeling of things being just on the brink of change. Jilly lived at the end of a street on the edge of town, in a big Victorian house that had more room than she would ever need, a huge garden out back and an apple orchard on the hill. She shared the house's thirteen rooms with three cats she'd rescued from the county shelter and their nemesis, Jinx. It was a peaceful life that was just right for Jilly, in spite of what the townspeople often said about her. But after almost a year of living alone, she was used to their talk, and she seldom felt lonely. It was infinitely better than the life she'd left behind.

She added a final pumpkin to the shop’s window display and stood back to view her work. Tomorrow, she would begin to paint the smaller pumpkins with faces. Those always went over well at the farmer’s market. Right now, she needed to clean the walkway that was suddenly covered with maple leaves.

She had just finished raking them into a neat, multi-colored mountain when a football came sailing out of nowhere and landed in the middle of it, missing her head by inches. She heard children’s voices.

“Now you’re gonna get it. I’m tellin’ Dad.”

“But I didn’t kick it! Kevin did.”

Jilly turned around just in time to see one of the neighborhood boys pedaling his bike as fast as he could in the opposite direction. It didn’t surprise her. She’d had run-ins with Kevin before, like last week when she’d caught him smashing pumpkins in her garden.

A moment later a small boy of about six or seven stood next to her. He looked terrified.

“I-I’m s-sorry,” he managed to say.

“No problem.” Jilly leaned down to pluck the football from the nest of leaves. She bounced it up and down in her hand before handing it back to him. “Is it yours?”

The boy nodded.

“How come Kevin had it?”

“Because he’s a bully,” the other child piped up. “Dad said we shouldn’t even play with him, and now Robbie’s in trouble.”

“It’s not my fault,” Robbie wailed again. “And if you tell Dad, I’ll pull your hair!”

“Oh yeah? Well, let’s see you try it.” The kid whipped off a baseball cap and swung her dark braids temptingly close to the boy. When he reached for one, Jilly figured this had gone on long enough.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Available on Amazon Kindle:

Why is your featured book a must-read?

Short enough to read during a coffee break, these stories are fun little romances that will put you in the Autumn holiday spirit.

Enter to win an e-book bundle of all 32 books featured in the Scary Reads for Halloween Event:

Open Internationally. Runs October 27 – 31, 2020. Winner will be drawn on November 3, 2020.

Author Biography:

I’ve been making up stories for as long as I can remember, starting with animal stories and graduating to an historical romance I wrote while in junior high school. In college, I took several creative writing classes, and when my children were small, I wrote and sold a number of short stories to Woman’s World magazine. I’m also published in novel length romance.

I’ve been a member of Romance Writers of America and Mid-Michigan Romance Writers for over thirty years and have written articles for chapter newsletters. I’m also concerned with animal welfare issues, and I write a monthly column called The Pet Corner, where I advocate for homeless pets and local shelters and rescue groups.

My husband and I live in southwest Michigan, near the sunset coast of Lake Michigan, with our dogs; Ace, a silly Terrier mix, and Foo Foo, a crazy Pomeranian, and two kitties, Zombie and Sandwich. We have two grown children and a number of granddogs. We love to travel, especially out West, where I’m always on the lookout for a new setting for my books.

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