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Ben: Dawsons of Montana by Jan Scarbrough is a Western Romance Event pick #westernromance #giveaway

Title: Ben: Dawsons of Montana

Author: Jan Scarbrough

Genre: Contemporary Western Romance

Book Blurb:

Ben Dawson is a loner with a chip on his shoulder as big as the blue Montana skies he rides under every day. His widowed father’s marriage had been too quick, his stepbrother is a pain, and his stepmother turned his mother’s family ranch into a dude ranch. Ben has only returned to Six Buckles Guest Ranch to keep a promise to his late father, to watch over the ranch and his stepmother. He’s not there to get involved in a relationship, especially with a girl he knew back in high school.

Leigh Weston just wants to do her job as an event planner at Six Buckles and stay far away from entanglements. No good has ever come from them. Her father cheated on her mother, just like her ex-husband cheated on her. Her reunion with Ben leads to more than she expected, but she’s not ready to risk her heart. She exacts a promise from him that their relationship will be strictly hands-off. But when she needs a fake date to an event, Ben looks like the perfect choice. He understands the boundaries she’s set, right?

But even fake dates can ignite real romances. Are some promises worth breaking if it leads to a second chance at love?


Chapter One

September 2017

Brody and Stephanie’s Wedding

Six Buckles Guest Ranch

Leigh Weston surveyed the buffet table and moved a couple of dirty plates from the edge to the separate dish cart. So far, the reception was going gangbusters. Her staff made sure the liquor flowed freely and the tables were loaded with food. She’d pulled off another successful wedding. A perfect night to remember for the bride and groom.

Weddings and romance had always fascinated her. That’s why her own divorce made her choice of occupation somewhat of an anomaly. Every day the paradox amused her. Leigh had never found a life partner, and she probably never would, but being an important part of the happily-ever-after of others was satisfying.

As she watched the dancefloor, she noticed Ben Dawson headed her way. She’d known Ben in school. He had been dark, mysterious, and aloof back then and all her girlfriends would have killed for a date with him. Including her. Now, dressed all in black from his jeans to his shirt and black-tooled boots and with his brooding good looks, he remained the rugged cowboy of her memories. He stopped at the self-serve punch bowl and ladled fruit juice and ginger ale into a glass cup.

“I can get you something stronger, if you like,” she said.

He eyed her, perhaps realizing he knew her. “No thanks.”

Coming over, he stood beside her quietly, drank his punch, and watched the dance crowd. Leigh swayed slightly to the music. She didn’t know what to say to him. It had been years since she last saw him.

He glanced down at her then placed his empty cup in the dish cart. “You put all this together?”

“Yes. It’s my job, and I love it.”

“I love my job too.” He hooked his thumbs in his belt. There was a self-satisfied gleam in his eyes. “I’m a cowboy. The real kind. Not like the make-believe ones that visit here.” The sarcasm was heavy in his voice.

Stef had told her Ben worked on a big cattle ranch up north. From the way he talked, she could tell he didn’t think much of the dude ranch Six Buckles Ranch had become.

“That’s a tough life.”


When he didn’t elaborate, Leigh bit her lower lip. She looked up at him. “Do you remember me? From high school? I was Leigh Smith then.”

“Yup. You were a cheerleader or something.”

“That’s right.”

“One of the popular girls.”

She chuckled, a laugh as raw as an open wound. “You could say that.” How time had changed her life. She’d failed at one relationship after another before her marriage. Then after her divorce, she’d finally quit trying to find love.

More silence between them. The music swelled with the beat of another fast dance. The groom twirled the bride in his arms.

Then there he was. Her ex. Bill Weston. He fast danced with a leggy blonde. A sudden feeling of heaviness swept through Leigh’s body. Her muscles went numb. She felt dizzy. She’d never wanted to see that man again. But there he was, big as life, spoiling the whole evening for her.

“I didn’t know he was dating again.”


Leigh covered her mouth with her palm as she fought back the shock of saying her thoughts out loud. “My cheating ex-husband.”

Her face flushed. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself. Too late now.

The music switched to a slow tempo. Bill and Blondie plastered their bodies together. Leigh turned away. Why did it matter to her? Bill lived in the community. Belonged to the town council and wanted to be mayor. Seeing him with another woman was bound to happen eventually. It wasn’t as if he’d been faithful during their marriage. The only difference now was he felt free to flaunt his girlfriends in public.

Buy Links:

What makes your featured book a must-read?

Ben and his stepbrother Brody have been at odds for years. In this book, you will read what happens to the two brothers. It completes the series.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:

Open Internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs April 25 – May 2, 2023.

Winner will be drawn on May 3, 2023.

Author Biography:

The author of two popular Bluegrass romance series, Jan Scarbrough writes heartwarming contemporary stories about home and family, single moms, and children. Living in the horse country of Kentucky makes it easy for Jan to add small town, Southern charm to her books and the excitement of a Bluegrass horse race or a competitive horse show.

The Ghost Mountain Ranch series is a contemporary western series with a good blend of mystery and happily-ever-after romance. The Dawsons of Montana is another four-book contemporary western series.

Jan leaves her contemporary voice behind with two paranormal gothic romances, Timeless and Tangled Memories, a Romance Writers of America (RWA) Golden Heart finalist. Her historical romance, My Lord Raven, is a medieval story of honor and betrayal.

A member of Novelist, Inc., Jan self-publishes her books with her husband’s help.

Jan lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with one rescued dog, one rescued cat, and a husband she rescued twenty-three years ago.

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