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Bon Echo and The Competition by Colette Bos is a BHW pick #sciencefiction #scifi #bookboost

Title: Bon Echo and The Competition

Author: Colette Bos

Genre: Science Fiction

Book Blurb:

Maven, a bookish senior high school student living in a small town in Ontario, struggles to win a scholarship to go to university. Instead, to her shock, she solves a heartbreaking mystery from her childhood, leading her to discover her true calling in the great fight against global warming. Read Maven’s diary along with her as she recalls her search for the true meaning of happiness and success through the power of fellowship, knowledge, and imagination. Still, none of this would have been made possible without the help of her extraordinary friend and mentor from a time before recorded history. Follow Maven and her fellowship focused on saving the world from global warming. “Bon Echo and The Competition” is an exciting science-based quest, filled with surprising adventures, and discoveries.


Log: Last Entry for this journal at Bon Echo Bay Lighthouse

Wow, I did my one hundred and eight steps to the observation deck just now and beat my last record by eight seconds. This lighthouse is so going to keep us in shape. I’m not sure, though, if everyone is on board with this idea, but we shall see.

I can’t believe that just one day after high school graduation, here I am, preparing to write my last thoughts in my very first journal given to me by my grandmother for my birthday just three months ago. Crazy. Anyway, if I need any kind of inspiration for my writing, there can be no better place than my Bon Echo Lighthouse because this is where it all started. So much has happened in the last semester of high school that it feels more like ten years have gone by than just a couple of months.

I’m just starting to come down from the fantastic day we had yesterday celebrating our high school graduation, and now I’m looking forward to this summer because we’ve got some exciting things lined up for the next couple of months. After that, which I still can’t believe I could accomplish, everything is now set up to attend university this coming September. I can’t remember being this excited about the future because all of this is such a “180” from high school.

Right now, though, it’s just me up here, and all I want to do is relax and take in the view. I swear, I never get tired of this beautiful, glistening, watery expanse before me from the lantern room atop the lighthouse. I always feel unbounded and limitless up here, gazing onto the horizon beyond the bay, imagining all the possibilities that stretch out before us.

Even though the region abandoned my lighthouse many years ago, we made a promise that you would never be alone again. You are like a second home to us, filled with the hopes and dreams of its members. We’ve gone through so much together, but that’s ok because it allowed us to build friendships that will last a lifetime. It seems, now, like such a long time ago when we first created our fellowship, but that, I guess, is the true nature of time.

It was here that we came across earth-shattering knowledge, shared and closely guarded it, and it was here where an ancient voice guided us from the past extending beyond known history. He mentored and prepared us with a clear vision of the important role we would play in achieving his commission.

As I contemplate Bon Echo Bay, my grandmother always comes to mind and all the fascinating stories she told us as we gathered around our backyard fire pit roasting marshmallows. Some of her stories even involved a few of our ancestors who first came to Canada centuries ago by sailing vessel. What an arduous voyage that must have been, but as it turns out, they were motivated by intriguing information passed on by their ancestors.

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Author Biography:

Colette has refocused her love of writing and web development into a new creative writing direction. This new direction has allowed her to incorporate her love of science fiction and her academic background in Geography into a more focused approach of environmental causes. This combined interest has resulted in her first book "Bon Echo and The Competition" in the Bon Echo Science Fiction Series.

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