Title: Born to Shadow (Mara's Legacy #1)
Author: Aaron Corwin
Genre: Dark Fantasy, LGBTQ+ Fantasy
Book Blurb:
All Ceilidh wanted was to dance. She had the talent. She had the will. After years of sweat and sacrifice she had a shot at the most prestigious ballet company in New York, and nothing would stand in her way. Except an interdimensional war. Pursued by an immortal assassin from the edge of reality, Ceilidh falls into the Shadow Realm—a place of might-have-beens and never-weres. The cast-off bits of reality from timelines that never happened collect here in layers of magic and ruined beauty. It’s a world of nightmares and nobles, peril and prophecies, endless wars and venomous political intrigue. Aided by the ghostly Skio, Ceilidh must survive long enough to master the dark power within her, protect the people she loves, and shatter the power of an empire that would devour the sun itself. The only problem is, she’s already failed.
My Review:
An incredibly immersive book that will captivate every reader who reads it! The story is fast-paced and keeps the reader invested. We have an otherworldly example of a tale of two cities. These are two worlds and one is linked to the other with shadows.
Two incredible lead characters who are so similar yet different. A foe that is as powerful as one people didn't even name. The world-building is amazing. The author has created not one but two universes with incredible detail.
The power of the book is in the action and suspense. Reading this book will often leave a reader breathless from yelling at the characters! A brilliant start to what will be a memorable series. Recommended fans of rings, recommended to fans of Harry. A great book that will ignite a new generation of readers' passion.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Author Biography:
Aaron Corwin has been chasing monsters since he was old enough to crawl into the dark. His short stories have appeared in Tor.com and Flash Fiction Online. Aaron can be spotted on Twitter as @CapnCorwin and Instagram as @aaron_corwin. His website is www.aaroncorwin.com.
Social Media Links:
Website https://www.aaroncorwin.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/CapnCorwin
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/aaron_corwin/
Reviewed by: Mr. N