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New Release | Borrowing the Bride by @KyAnnWaters #romcom #eroticromance #billionaireromance


Borrowing the Bride


KyAnn Waters


Humorous Erotic Contemporary romance, Billionaire Romance

Book Blurb

Money never bought him what he really wanted…and money only ever bought her trouble. Ben Larsen needs a deterrent. His family wants to see him married. Maybe it’s time to give them what they want. His best friend, Amber Croft is engaged, but not to him. If he borrows her for the week, he’ll make his mother happy, and it would finally show his ex that he’s moved on. Amber needs perspective. She’s engaged but she’s beginning to wonder if she’s marrying the wrong man. She’s pretending to be Ben’s fiancé, although the kissing and touching are real. The ruse is working perfectly, but lies, betrayal and a billion dollars carry a high price. Will it cost them their friendship and destroy their relationship?


“Here comes Amber. Jeez, dude.”

Ben swallowed hard. Amber had changed into an emerald-green summer dress. It wasn’t fancy, but it hugged her body perfectly. The scoop neck revealed just enough cleavage to know she had soft, full breasts. Because she was athletic, her arms were feminine sculpted muscle, and her legs were long and lean. She wore strappy heeled sandals…and her gaze was locked on Ben.

“Hi,” she said as she approached. “Thanks.” She took the beer from his fingers and guzzled half.

“I’ll grab us a couple more.” Jake stepped away.

“You look amazing.”

She raised her brow. “I wanted to make a statement. Now, who is Natalie?”

“You’re making one. They’re never going to believe I’ve landed someone like you.”

“You think I’m hot?”

“Don’t ask for proof, or I’ll have to show you.”

“I’ve already seen you naked.”

“Are you going to continue to remind me?”

“Probably. It’s not like I can get the image out of my head.” She quirked her lips into a smile. “I’m not sure I want to.”

Ben closed the space between them. Amber flattened against the wall. He braced a hand on each side of her head. “Do we need to go over the rules again?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we should have new rules. If your ex is going to be ogling my man, I’m going to have to make sure she understands to keep her hands off.”

“Your man?”

“For this week,” she whispered, her red lips beckoning him to come closer.

“Hey, you two. Save it for the honeymoon.” Jake handed them each a beer.

“You have shitty timing,” Ben said, taking the beer.

“I’m not the only one. Look who just arrived.” Both Ben and Amber glanced to the door. Natalie breezed in, immediately catching the attention of his dad. Neil gave her a big bear hug and pointed her to the kitchen. Natalie had always gotten along well with his parents. But then that was why his mother had been plotting their courtship since junior high.

“Do you want to disappear out the back door before she sees us?” Jake asked.

Ben shook his head. “Wouldn’t do any good. She’d find us.”

“Here she comes.” Amber took a step closer to Ben and laced her fingers with his.

“Have fun,” Jake said and walked toward the kitchen.

“Hi, Jake,” Natalie said as she passed him.

“Ben,” she said on a breathy exhale. “I’ve missed you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. With his free hand he gave Natalie an uncomfortable pat on the back, and with his other, he squeezed Amber’s fingers. Natalie released him and turned her gaze to Amber. “I’m Natalie.” She held out her hand.

Amber shook her hand. “Ben has mentioned you before. It’s nice to finally meet you, his family, and all his friends.”

“We were all so surprised to hear he’s engaged. I mean super surprised, especially me.”

“I guess we were the only ones who weren’t surprised.” Amber pressed closer. “I knew what I wanted from the moment we met.”

“I’m sure,” she said. “Is that your ring?”


Natalie turned her gaze to Ben. “That’s the ring you bought her?” A slow smile played across her mouth.

Amber snatched her hand back.

Ben chuckled and laced their fingers. “That’s not her engagement ring. We haven’t found the perfect ring. I think we’ll have something custom made.”

Natalie’s eyes widened. “Only the best, I’m sure. Have you been dating long?”

Amber furrowed her brows as she glanced up at Ben. “How long has it been?”

“Six months,” he said. Considering they’d been inseparable since her other fiancé left town.

“Wow, that was fast. I mean, you hardly know each other.”

“I know, it’s crazy, isn’t it? But then I’ve always been hot for a guy in uniform. Plus, if he stays in the military, I know I’ll love being a military wife.” She crinkled her nose. “I can’t wait to get all the perks of being his wife.”

Natalie nodded. “I’d say he comes with a couple million perks.”

Shit. “Hey, Nat, it was great to see you, but I see someone I want to introduce Amber to.” He took her hand and led her toward the rear of the house.

“I was just starting to have fun,” Amber said with a pout.

And he was starting to get uncomfortable. There were still many aspects about his life he hadn’t shared with anyone outside of his hometown. Of course, his family, Jake, a few relatives knew…and Natalie knew. However, Pete, the military, none of his friends at Moody, and Amber didn’t know the full extent of his financial portfolio. And he wanted to keep it that way. Money only caused complications…especially when one person had it and someone else wanted it. And someone always wanted something.

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Special Goodreads Giveaway:

Enter to win 1 of 100 e-books of Borrowing the Bride, a super hot friends-to-lovers romance

Runs May 23 - Jun 21, 2022

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Author Biography

KyAnn Waters is a multi-published, award-winning author of romance. She lives in Utah with her husband. Her two boys are grown and out in the world making mischief of their own. Never believing she was a pet lover, she still has made a home for a menagerie of animals. She enjoys sporting events on the television, thrillers on the big screen, and hot scenes between the pages of her books.

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