Title: Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life: An Unbelievably Simple, Proven Path to Rapid, Remarkable Change
Author: Deanna LoTerzo
Genre: Self Help, Mind-Body-Spirit, Depression, Wellness, Mental health, Abuse, Psychology
Book Blurb:
Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life is a game-changer! It uses simple, proven techniques grounded in mindfulness, neuroscience, and positive psychology to rapidly move you beyond limiting thoughts, fears, negative emotions and destructive behaviors.
· It raises the bar on what it means to be fully empowered, resilient and happy, no longer defined by your past; lifelong optimism, love and joy is well within your reach.
· Discover 5 paradigm-shifting facts in the first four chapters that will forever alter the way you see yourself, your potential, and your world.
· Learn how to use Emotional Inventories - a unique resource included in these chapters: Reclaim Your Identity, No More Secrets: Surviving the Aftermath of Abuse, De-Mystifying Eating Disorders & Weight Loss.
· Read inspirational stories and case notes of amazing transformations to newfound self-assurance, vibrant health and happiness.
· Access powerful, but unbelievably easy exercises to help you explore your innate creative intelligence and expand your consciousness.
Set aside all preconceived notions that solutions need be complex, hard-learned, and rigid. Those don’t apply here. The key to rapid, radical, and lasting transformation is simplicity!
My Review:
Did you know you don’t need to be defined by your failures, fears, and self-defeating behaviors? There’s hope for a brighter future where happiness, dreams, and fulfillment are the norm. Deanna LoTerzo shares her own personal transformation from crippled by many forms of abuse and a scary wake-up call to an empowered human being full of vibrancy and strength. Using science to back up her techniques, she’ll show you the correct steps to take back control, recover from depression and hopelessness, rise above forces wanting to pull you down, and become the person you were meant to be all along. She also gives examples from people just like you and me who were desperate for a way out of the swirling despair. Are you ready for your transformation?
Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life is a life-altering revelation in the realm of personal growth and self-help. While I personally don’t care for the term self-help, I believe anyone looking for direction, a life coach, or relief from a feeling of despair, etc. will find the strength to make changes to their life through reading this book. What makes Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best Life better than all the rest is the science behind the steps and techniques. Deanna LoTerzo has spent many years researching, studying, and proving her theories so it’s sound facts behind her process. The writing is approachable, honest, and laid out in easy-to-understand language. Each chapter builds upon the next like an interactive workshop in book format. This book is for anyone who’s experienced abuse, illness, mental health, and inner demons. I can’t recommend this book enough. Run, don’t walk, and purchase your copy to start your own personal transformation.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
Author Biography:
Not so long ago, I would not have believed it possible to be living my life of choice. Not just living it, but thriving, happy, waking every day with a sense of unbridled enthusiasm for life and for the contributions I make to others lives as a psychotherapist and life coach.
Previous to immersing myself in the writing and publishing of Bright Mind, Happy Heart, Best life, I was fully committed, for over 20 years, to the Management Services & Recruitment industry. I commenced as a recruitment consultant and, at the time of my premature retirement due to cancer, I was an equity partner and board member. As you might imagine, contemplating a different path post-recovery was initially unsettling.
Then, out of the blue, I was offered an opportunity to work with a highly regarded Naturopathic Doctor and a Master of Japanese Acupuncture, supporting their patients’ return to health & happiness. From then on, everything just fell into place. Retraining as a psychotherapist and life coach allowed me to integrate formal studies with many years comprehensive training from inspirational masters of meditation and of the metaphysical healing arts. Before long I became passionate about my new direction and haven’t looked back since!
I never believed it would be possible to actually enjoy the transition from workaholic frenzy to meditative calm, from a hearty European diet to veganism, from intrepid traveler to Rick Steve's virtual companion, from designer business suits, hose and heels to leggings and denim, from fruity Merlot to fruit smoothies, from hours spent on lush green fairways to similar on a purple yoga mat, from relentless researcher to writer, and from buttery French pastries to gluten-free vegan brownies. Whew, that’s a lot of change! But, surprisingly, with absolutely no regrets. I'm healthier, more creative and happier than I've ever been. And, I'm living this wonderful life, in beautiful British Columbia!
Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeannaLoTerzo
Reviewed by: Mrs. N