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  • N. N. Light

New Release | Coconut Macaroon Scandal by @Virgini35142126 #holidayromance #romance #bookboost

Title Coconut Macaroon Scandal

Author Virginia Barlow

Genre Holiday Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

When Emma Davis is summoned to her hometown on negligence charges her world turns upside down. She faces losing everything she worked so hard for, her bakery and her inheritance. She's met all the conditions of the will but one--a fiancé. Jilted and mistrustful, Emma cannot face her family alone. When Gran's ghost recommends a particular customer for the job, Emma closes her eyes and proposes.

Sebastian Lewis agrees without hesitation. He's had his eye on this beauty for some time. She has qualities none of the women in his past possess. Determined to make their engagement real, Sebastian follows her home until an emergency calls him away.

Emma's past and insecurities rise as her life and future are threatened.


“I’m going to give you a proper kiss now,” he warned, “for practice.” His gaze searched hers. “Most couples know each other intimately by this point in their relationship. Since we are new together, I suggest we kiss and touch as much as possible the next two weeks. This way, we’ll be natural together.”

Emma’s knees weakened. She nodded and waited.

Sebastian placed a hand on her waist and drew her forward until their bodies touched. Emma’s stomach twisted. He was a head taller. She stared at the V-neck of his T-shirt trying not to think about how warm he was. His cologne enveloped her. Emma dragged in the scent and closed her eyes. God, he smelled good.

“Emma.” His deep voice vibrated by her ear.

She opened her eyes when he laced their fingers together. Her body trembled against him. She lifted her chin and met his gaze. His emerald eyes stared into her soul as his lips descended. They were warm, firm, and searching. Desire coiled in her stomach. It had been ages since a man touched her.

She pressed against him. He tasted like coffee and cream. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Emma’s knees gave out at the same moment. God, he felt good. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He stilled. And then his hand was at the back of her head angling her so he could deepen the kiss. His tongue swept inside her mouth and stroked along hers. Emma moaned. Heat spiraled through her. She opened her mouth for more.

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Author Biography

I have been an avid reader most of my life. My first day of kindergarten was a great disappointment because I was finally at school, and they didn’t teach me to read. It only got better from there. I used to hurry with my work so I could spend the rest of the day curled up somewhere with a book. I enjoy knitting, crocheting, and quilting. I have two large dogs, Beethoven and Mozart. Both are good company while I tap away on my keyboard. I have worn many hats over the years including, daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, hostess, housekeeper, EMT, lieutenant, supervisor, lead, and now I am adding my dream hat, author! I am so excited to be here!

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