Author: Grea Warner
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Book Blurb:
A chance encounter leads to a road never imagined and the possibility of dreams coming true.
Going on tour with a band was never on Maya Shriver’s radar. But then neither was being a widow in her mid-thirties. And finding happiness again? Well, that was out of the question.
When danger erupts, Maya is abruptly thrown together with Hawk Brannigan—a country singer’s right-hand man. And she finds out that, once again, life can change in an instant. Suddenly, Maya is not only in a new career but she’s also allowing herself to love again.
As Maya begins to unpack her grief and move on, a misunderstanding from the past may cause the couple to travel in different directions.
“Maya?” Finn called out. He was less than fifty feet away from the volleyball court, standing on a slightly raised hill.
“Yeah?” I swiped at a piece of hair, which had fallen from my loose ponytail.
“Can I see you a sec?” Finn was definitely speaking to me, but the collective volleyball bunch all halted.
“Sure,” I answered and started to naturally step away from Hawk.
“Today’s not good,” Hawk gruffly whispered as he squeezed my hand and handed me my red, white, and blue cover-up.
“What?” I questioned, but didn’t wait for an answer.
I was in too good of a mood. The sun was bright. Everyone was relaxed. The tour was going well. My job was fantastic. And I felt so comfortable and happy with that man behind me who I knew was watching me climb the small hill.
Shaking the flowing top over my shoulders to partially cover my tie-dyed crop tank and gray shorts, I approached Finn. “What’s up?”
“The blog.” His first two words came out short and plain, but the connecting question was much terser. It mimicked his hands, which were grasping tightly at both sides of his loose, white shirt. “What were you thinking?”
“Wha—” I started, a little thrown by his demeanor.
Not only was his tone the exact opposite of the game I had just left, but it was uncharacteristic of Finn. Sure, we all had our moments of crankiness, especially right before a show and when we had been working on limited sleep. And Finn had been noticeably stressed those first few days of the tour but with due reason…and Hawk had warned me then. Was that what he had just done a couple minutes before…cautioned me about Finn’s disposition?
Before I could ponder any further or even complete my question, Finn amputated my sentence. “I thought we talked about not mentioning the kids. I know”—he emphasized that word—“we did.”
“I didn’t—” I started to explain but was immediately cut off again.
“And this thing about my pop?” His voice, while not yelling, actually escalated another notch. “You didn’t know him. He has nothing to do with being out here—the road experience.”
“I thought I was using kids in a generic sense of the term.” I managed to get a complete thought in that time. I didn’t feel like I was necessarily defending my choices regarding the blog, but I did want to explain, especially because it was the one I had been working and agonizing over. And, while he was my boss, I was confident of my own skills and capabilities and had always known Finn to respect that. “And the public knows you have kids, Finn. They—”
“But I told you not—”
“Okay.” It was actually me who stopped him that time.
Realizing he had the final say and I needed things to stay genial with him, I apologized for what he interpreted as a misdemeanor. It was easy on my part. Finn Murphy was not a second-hand paperback writer I needed to fight with regarding correctly promoting his book. He was a superstar with an unparalleled career and, honestly, one of the nicest people I knew. And I would be more than happy to do what needed to be done.
“The part with your dad?” I continued. “I’m sorry. I thought the whole thing would be a change of pace—just something to honor you and your dad and all the fathers out there today.” I spoke of Father’s Day. “I didn’t post it. You know I wouldn’t until it got your approval.”
“I should hope not.”
“Okay, man, ease up.” It was Hawk.
I hadn’t heard or seen him approach. Finn and I had been in too intense of a conversation. But there he was beside us, sporting the form-fitting, white tank top he had previously discarded mid-volleyball game.
“She said she was sorr—” my defender continued.
“Hawk…” Finn’s voice was as firm as his stare at his friend. “You better know how to separate business and pleasure.”
I shut my eyes, hoping for calm or maybe a rewind. It was one of the last things I wanted Finn to say. In the back of my mind, I had been a little concerned if my blossoming relationship with Hawk would be an issue, since we sort of worked together. It hadn’t seemed to be, though. Everyone knew and even embraced it. But then, there it was—Finn’s comment.
And even worse was Hawk’s reaction. “What? What!”
“Hawk!” I tried to halt the confrontation, which seemed to be looming. I purposefully widened my eyes at the bearded man whose ego was flexing as much as his biceps had been during the game. “I’ve got this.”
I knew Hawk was frustrated. He had a practical death stare going on at Finn. But when he looked at me, and I pleaded with my eyes, as well as used the word “please,” he stalked more than walked off. I didn’t mean for him to leave. I just wanted him to calm down. I wanted everyone to calm down. The blog wasn’t worth it. It was an easy fix. I just wasn’t sure keeping my job or my relationship was going to be.
I started with the one in front of me. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t apologize for someone else.” Finn used, ironically, a fatherly tone. “He and I will be okay. That was nothing.”
Oh. Well, that was news to me. “Me then,” I said, needing to recover.
Finn was calmer when he spoke but just as adamant. “I get where you were trying to go with the blog, and I know it is personal for you—your father having been not only your dad but a well-known figure.”
“Hawk told you.”
“Yeah. Should he not have?”
“No. It’s fine. It’s not a secret.”
“Maya, I get it. I just don’t want it.”
“All right.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
E-book is regularly $3.99 but now on sale for a limited time at just 99 cents.
Goodreads: Grea_Warner
BookBub: www.bookbub.com/authors/grea-warner

What makes your featured book a must-read?
My author tagline is: emotional … dramatic … heartwarming. And, Every Mile a Memory most definitely hits all three. Told in first person, the reader gets to experience Maya’s inner thoughts as she begins to move on from the grief of losing her husband and learns to love again. Both she and Hawk have physical and emotional obstacles to overcome to be together. And it all starts on the opening page when they first meet amongst the sound of gunfire.
It is the perfect time to read this book, as my latest release, The Dance, has a special connection to Every Mile a Memory. Available for pre-order and arriving April 25th, The Dance is the heart wrenching story of Maya’s parents.
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Author Biography:
Drama, angst, and realistic storylines … be prepared for a few tears shed and an emotional rollercoaster when you read a novel by Grea Warner. With a background in daytime dramas, Grea is able to beautifully weave characters and storylines together so you’ll become completely immersed in the journey the book takes you on. At home in the Women’s Fiction and New Adult genres, these serials and standalones are great for binge reading and book club discussions!
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Social Media Links:
Instagram: greawarner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grea-Warner
Twitter: @grea_warner
Website: greawarner.com