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5 stars for Finding Evie by @CatinaNoble1 #comingofage #fiction #bookreview

Title: Finding Evie

Author: Catina Noble

Genre: Coming of Age, Fiction

Book Blurb:

I’m sure we all must have told ourselves, at least once while growing up, that life couldn’t possibly get worse. As Rod Serling, host of the ancient TV show, *The Twilight Zone*, actually never said, “Imagine if you will,” being the eldest female child in a family with no parenting. Imagine being “Mommy” to a pair of irresponsible, substance-addicted adult children. Imagine taking on the responsibility of being the nanny for younger siblings, the maid for lazy, hungover parents, the literal whipping girl for a father’s outbursts. Catina Noble has nailed it in *Finding Evie*. She has managed to portray Evie Feathers as though she herself had lived through each and every soul-destroying experience and come out, not merely as a survivor, but as a thriver. Finding Evie holds hope between its covers for neglected children.

My Review:

A powerful book that brings a bright light to a terrible problem. The character of Evie could be any child who has been subjected to the unforgivable crime of child abuse by a parent. There will never be any excuse or reason for a parent to mentally, physically or even the worst part of abuse on one of their children.

This book is well written but stark in its content. Your empathy will pour out of you as you read the hell a little girl is put through. The goal to stop the cycle of abuse is admirable. If this book can help someone who has been horribly victimized, then it has done it's job.

In a perfect world, the little girls who are victims would be able to get free and become MMA fighters. Once they are fully trained and unstoppable, they should visit their dad. They can then do the innocent things they did that make him so furious and then he can TRY to abuse them...and he can find out what an MMA fighter does for a living.

If you have been a victim of child abuse, this book could be very helpful for you. If you want to really feel for the suffering of a victim, then this book is for you. A very powerful book that has the power to help the innocent.

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

Catina Noble is an Ottawa writer. Her work has appeared in several publications including Chicken Soup for the Soul, Woman’s World Magazine, Y Travel Blog, Perceptive Travel, Bywords Magazine, Phafours Press, and many others. She currently has four chapbooks of poetry, a full length poetry book and a total of eleven books out. Three of her books: Vacancy at the Food Court & Other Short Stories, I’m Glad I Didn’t Kill Myself and Everest Base Camp: Close Call won the Reader’s Favorite seal of approval. For the latest updates you can follow on her website:

Social Media Links:

Instagram: @cncreate

Twitter: @CatinaNoble1

Reviewed by: Mr. N

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