Title: Ghost (Satan's Pride Book 8)
Author: A.G. Kirkham
Genre: MC Romance, Biker Romance, Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Ghost has already lost so many brothers and the only man he ever called his father. He refuses to lose another person he loves and for their sake he stays away, until Abigail. He’s willing to resurrect himself and come out of the shadows for her, with the help of the Pride. The road is rough, and with Abigail by his side, he’ll come back to the land of the living. Abigail first met Ghost when she was about to be sold in a sex slave ring. He saved her and from the moment, she only feels safe when he’s nearby. Then one day, he declares his intentions and she needs to accept the man he is. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Ghost has enemies. The decision is clear. To protect Abigail, they must be eliminated.
My Review:
Abigail only feels safe when Ghost is near… can her love lure him out of the shadows and into the light? Ghost has always been there when the Pride needs him most but lately, he’s been yearning for some place to call home. He’s lost a lot of people close to him but he won’t lose the one woman who’s claimed his soul: Abigail. The time comes to share his ugly past with her and if she runs the other way, he’ll be a broken man but will respect her wishes. What he doesn’t expect is her unfailing love. Ghost resurfaces to the world under a new identity but an old enemy needs to be put down or else Abigail will never be safe. Can he leave his past behind and take Abigail’s hand to forge a peaceful future?
Ghost is an emotional MC romance I simply adored. My heart broke for Ghost and Abigail time and again. I connected with both and the more I read, the more I rooted for them to find their happily ever after. It’s not an easy road for this couple but that’s what made this book so intoxicating. The plot moved at a great pace with gut-wrenching descriptive narration. Some authors shy away from PTSD characters living in the shadows of life but not Ms. Kirkham. Her gift for prose allowed me to experience what it must be like to recover from traumatic events. She writes authentic characters with deep POV and real-life fears, wants, and needs. This author is one of today’s most riveting authors and I can’t wait to read her next book. If you’re an MC romance reader, you need to read Ghost. If biker romances are your reading jam, you’ll be craving more once you read Ghost.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
I was born in a small town in Italy. My parents are loving people; and true traditionalists. I grew up being a chatterbox of a child and evolved into a quiet and shy teenager. I was definitely not the life of the party. As a matter of fact, I never wanted to go to any high school dances or any activities the school offered. I was good with being alone. I had to grow into my own and I eventually became the fun loving, open-minded and creative person I am now. I love the ‘me’ I have become and I am grateful that this is where I have landed.
Writing is my release and I have escaped in my imagination to some incredible places meeting the most awesome characters. I also wanted to be a rock star but anyone who has ever heard me sing kindly convinced me that I do not have any talent. (In other words, I suck at it.)
Although I have been writing since I was in grade school, and I am a hopeless romantic.
GUARD is the first book in a seven book series. In 2019, WAR (Book 2 in the series) will be launched. Each book introduces characters who you will learn about in the next series.
Why I write romance? I thrive on two individuals connecting in mind, body and soul. The understanding of wants and needs and placing them as a priority and not out of fear of losing them or because you feel you need to concede; you do it because it feels easy and right in your own heart.
My other passion is cooking! I enjoy making meals for my family and friends and bantering around the table. I have colourful people in my life and they all add to my rainbow. I love music! I like it all, depending on my mood.
And lastly, I love to travel. I want to enjoy all that life has to offer. I want to meet people, learn from them and create the most fantastic, sexy love stories. If I can do this overlooking the ocean and feeling the breeze wash over me then I have my heaven on earth.
Stay tuned for more novels in the Satan’s Pride motorcycle club and Dark Reign mafia romance series coming soon!
Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGKirkham/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AGKirkham
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.g.kirkham/
Amazon Author Profile: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07V4NHR9B
Reviewed by: Mrs. N