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Honor Bound by Katherine Grey is a BHW pick #paranormalromance #pnr #romance #bookboost

Title: Honor Bound

Author: Katherine Grey

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Daisy Hill Publishing

Book Blurb:

When honor meets temptation…

California “Callie” St. John learned the hard way just how much one night of rebellion can cost. Determined not to repeat past mistakes, she tries to be the perfect daughter by volunteering with various charities and keeping everyone at arm's length. After narrowly escaping a car bombing, she is forced to accept help from the one man who can get past her defenses, making her long for the impossible -- letting him into her life...and her heart.

Lieutenant James “Hawk” Hawkins, a member of a Special Ops unit of soldiers with unusual abilities, is known for keeping his cool in any situation. Acting as a bodyguard to the daughter of one of DC’s mover and shakers is just one more mission like any other. When an enemy from his past targets the spoiled socialite, Hawk realizes she is more than she seems.

With his reputation on the line, he’s willing to risk everything to keep her safe. But succumbing to temptation isn’t an option…no matter how much he wants to give in.


William St. John turned to his daughter. “After tonight’s events perhaps now you’ll take the threats against you seriously.”

“Those things could have happened to anyone. Before tonight any of them could have been a coincidence.”

Jimmy stared at her. Nobody could be that naïve. “There’s no such thing as coincidence.”

California St. John glared at him, her eyes sparking with anger, showing exactly what she thought about the situation. “As I seem to have no option but to have you follow me around like a lost dog, let me be clear. I will not be changing my daily routine. You will be unobtrusive and remain in the background when I’m in public.” She ticked off her rules on her fingers.

Jimmy crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to finish. Her slight British accent made her sound as though she was royalty giving orders to the peasants.

“Your presence won’t be needed when I’m at home or with friends. Understood?”

He took a step forward. “You listen to me, Duchess--”

“I’m not a duchess. If I were, you would address me as ‘Your Grace.’” She sounded even haughtier if that was possible.

I’m charged with your safety. I will be the one laying the ground rules,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “So until any threat to you is removed, I’ll be sticking closer to you than your panties on a hot July night. Got it?”

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Buy Link for Amazon - Honor Bound

Author Biography:

Katherine Grey writes sexy sweet contemporary romances with a hint of the paranormal and historical romances set in the Regency period. When she's not writing, she can be found up to her elbows in flour trying out new bread and cookie recipes.

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