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Trailer Reveal | Igniting Ireland by @Virgini35142126 #timetravel #romance #trailer #video

Title Igniting Ireland

Author Virginia Barlow

Genre Erotic Time Travel Romance

Publisher The Wild Rose Press

Artist or Company who made the book trailer Jody Vitek

Book Blurb

Fiona Ryan's firm offers her an all-expense paid trip to Ireland following a brutal year of personal loss. A freak storm ravishes her scenic tour, and Fiona awakens in the seventeenth century. Falling hard for her sinfully attractive rescuer, she tells him of his fate to save him but fails.

Back in the present time, Brendan O'Connor, millionaire finds Fiona adrift and rescues her. Calling him a different name, she speaks as though she knew him in another time and place. Problem is he remembers intimate things about a woman he never met and gets the feeling he's been with her before....

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Author Biography

I have been an avid reader most of my life. My first day of kindergarten was a great disappointment because I was finally at school, and they didn’t teach me to read. It only got better from there. I used to hurry with my work so I could spend the rest of the day curled up somewhere with a book. I enjoy knitting, crocheting, and quilting. Although I cook and bake, as well, I consider them necessary evils along with laundry. LOL I have two large dogs, Beethoven and Mozart. Both are good company while I tap away on my keyboard. I love my life and believe in happily ever after, make believe, and love.

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