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New Release | Leaving Noah by Maddie James #westernromance #romance #bookboost #newrelease

Title Leaving Noah

Author Maddie James

Genre Romance > Contemporary > Western

Book Blurb

Parker Ranches, Inc., Book 8

Leaving Noah is a heartwarming tale of love, loss, second chances, and the power of the written word.

When a rodeo accident leaves Rock Creek Ranch shorthanded, Connie MacKay travels from South Dakota to Montana to visit her daughter and help with the neighboring ranch’s cattle roundup. Raised on a ranch and comfortable in the saddle, she is determined to help.

After decades of working ranches throughout the northwest, Noah Parker heads home to Rock Creek to stay—maybe. That all depends on the reception he gets from family. When he arrives, the last person he expects to see there is Connie.

Several months earlier at Sarah MacKay’s wedding, Noah and Connie shared a clandestine night together. Neither have seen nor spoken to the other since.

It’s been a little over a year since Connie’s husband’s death, and no matter how attracted she is to the rough stock cowboy, she can’t let herself get swept away by Noah’s charm and old-fashioned cowboy ethics. Figuring out the next chapter of her life is her priority—and one she must do alone.

Noah has baggage of his own he’s not sure he can get past, let alone heap on top of hers. He has known love, and lost love, and doesn’t want to live out the rest of his days alone. He loves her, but following Connie to South Dakota is not the answer, so he tries another tack—old fashioned love letters designed to share his story, and perhaps woo her heart.


The last thing Connie wanted was to tick anyone off, so while the cowboys on the hill were conversing, she tucked herself behind a stand of trees and waited. They’d go soon enough. They had no time to waste. “And from here, I can observe the situation.”

Murphy trotted over the hill and out of sight.

Noah sat on his horse for a lazy minute, surveyed the area, then joined him.

With both riders gone, she exhaled, and waited. She didn’t want to move too quickly—but didn’t want to wait too long, either. She needed to be close enough to trail them undetected. She hoped, anyway.

Plus, she didn’t want to get lost.

That would be embarrassing. Also dangerous with the coming storm.

She’d wait one more minute.

Tree brush crackled behind her. She twisted in her saddle.

A horse nickered.

Hers reacted with a bob of his head.

On horseback, Noah moved through the trees from her left and stopped, facing her. “How long were you going to wait before moving again?”

“Until I figured you two were far enough away, you wouldn’t make me go back.” She caught his eye, holding his gaze. “You circled around. You knew I was here.”

“I’d hoped you had ducked into the woods.” Noah glanced off, shaking his head. “Murphy was pretty clear yesterday.”

“I know that.”

“Why are you here?”

“That’s really none of your business, Noah.”

He crossed his arms over his saddle horn, leaning forward. “Actually, it is my business. I’ve been put in charge.”

“Of what?”


“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You’re my responsibility.”

“So, what are you going to do? Send me back to the ranch?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m going to keep you company.”

Connie huffed out a breath. “Good Lord. I don’t need company. In fact, I want to be alone. I’m fine. Just go off and gather your cows and let me trail along behind from a safe distance. Remember, I could have been exposed to the crud.”

“Just like the rest of us. I’m keeping you company.”

She rolled her eyes. “Seriously. I’m fine. I don’t need you.”

Noah cleared his throat. “It’s not a matter of needing me. I’m sure you are capable. It’s a matter of me keeping you out of harm’s way and away from the others in case you caught the crud, as you call it.”

Connie exhaled. “Wow. This is ridiculous.”

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “And maybe not. Doesn’t change anything.”

“So, that’s the plan. You shadow me and make sure I don’t get hurt or into any trouble. I just go along with the plan.”

Noah smirked. “Connie. It’s not like that.”

“Ms. MacKay.”

Pausing, Noah looked away for a moment, then back to catch her gaze. “Fine. Ms. MacKay. Look. We don’t need Covid in that crew. They have work to do. You and I… We can gather small groups of cattle and get them into the herd and stay back from the rest. You can participate at a distance. I’m just here to keep you company.”

She blew out another breath. Last thing I need is you keeping me company, Noah Parker. “I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

“Not a problem. Murphy doesn’t want you to mingle.”

She studied him. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

“I’m a cowboy. Not a talker.”

She glared. Got that right. “And while we are at it, I don’t want to… Well, you know. Just to get things out in the open, I’m not looking for a repeat performance of—”

“Whoa.” Noah interrupted, sitting straight up in his saddle and making direct eye contact. That steel-hard gaze sent goosebumps down her spine. “Whoa,” he repeated. “I’d prefer we not even bring up that night.”

She nodded. “Works for me.”

“Good. We need to get moving.” Noah adjusted his reins, and his horse pranced a little.

“Fine. Just don’t talk to me.”

“No problem.”

“And keep your distance.”

“Like I’m not even here.”

“Great.” She nudged her horse with her knees. “Out of my way.” She registered his slight tick of a smile and skittered her gaze off his. Then, she cantered toward the ridge, trying to still the sudden rapid beating of her heart.

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Special Giveaway:

Watch my blog during release week (March 27-31) for ebook and paperback giveaways!

Author Biography

Whether writing flirty contemporary romance or gritty romantic suspense, Maddie James writes to silence the people in her head.

In 2022, Maddie celebrated her 25th year of publishing romance fiction under multiple pen names. Her collective body of work includes over 70 titles. Maddie loves writing small town contemporary romance and cowboy worlds, and as M.L. Jameson she pens romantic suspense. You might find a few naughty short stories written under another pen name if you look hard enough.

Affair de Coeur says Maddie, “shows a special talent for traditional romance,” and RT Book Reviews claimed, “James deftly combines romance and suspense, so hope on for an exhilarating ride.”

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