Title: My Soul Speaks: Who Am I?
Anthology Title: SOUL DEEP: Perspectives on Race, Relationships, Social Justice, and Hope
Author: S.M. Troye
Genre: Ethnic Studies, Essay, Memoir, Racism
Book Blurb:
“Soul Deep”— Perspectives on Race, Relationships, Social Justice, and Hope - offers a soul-baring excavation into the lives of eight African American women. Born, raised, and educated in the United States, the authors currently live in eight states and three countries. Despite differences in personality, lifestyle, skin color, hair texture, regional vernacular, and geographic location, they share a significant and life changing common bond—Their ethnicity. At one or more points in each woman’s life, she found herself in toxic environments teeming with an undeniable message. This language was spoken in a manner they will never forget— The language of hate. These women—mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, musicians, artists, professors, educators, and entrepreneurs share a collective, intense desire to make a difference with their truth. Personal experiences that only they can share. Experiences that are often painful, vile, confusing, hurtful, and deeply rooted not only in the fabric of who they are, but in the ongoing, systematic practices of our society and repercussions of our past – the perpetuation of exploitation, greed, denial, and a criminal sense of misguided entitlement. In this compilation of short essays and memoirs, these writers, including USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors, re-examine their hearts and minds under the microscope of racism. If you have ever felt marginalized or oppressed, their voices will enlighten and resonate with you.
My Review:
“Taught to love, I struggle to confront hate.”
What happens when an African American woman, who was brought up in the church to love one other, is bombarded with such animosity based on the color of her skin? S.M. Troye explores this paradox and others while sharing her own upbringing and experiences. My Soul Speaks: Who Am I? journeys deep into words, deeds, faith, family, culture, and identity, which play key roles when relating to multi-cultures and diversity. The world today is very different than, say, thirty years ago but what causes scars on a soul is the same. How does a soul taught to love confront hate?
My Soul Speaks: Who Am I? is an emotional memoir from start to finish. This is so much more than a nonfiction essay on intolerance, racism, and black lives matter. It’s a thoughtful candid look at systemic racism and how ingrained it is in our society. S.M. Troye is a modern woman straddling several worlds and one I empathize with. My heart broke for her time and again, especially as I’m a woman of deep spirituality. If this was fiction, every streaming service would be outbidding each other for the rights. The writing is down-to-earth with equal parts stark realism and humor while asking some difficult questions. Many of her insights I agree with 100% and I thought about this book long after I finished. A must-read for every person with a heartbeat. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
SM Troye is the non-fiction pen name of Stephany Tullis, USA Today and Amazon Bestselling Author of women’s and inspirational fiction. She is also a small business and not-for-profit management consultant, educator, publisher, freelance writer and contributor to several peer-reviewed journal articles. She has written 21 books and short stories, including her contribution to the Soul Deep Anthology, My Soul Speaks, Who am I?; award-winning first novel, The Master’s Plan; and the Angelica Mason Series that includes, Blue Lady’s MISSION under FIRE, a biographical fast-paced political allegory centered around true events in Upstate New York.
She has a graduate degree in Public Service Administration from Russell Sage College and 27 years of experience with New York State government where she entered as a New York State Management Intern.
She is the recipient of the following awards: Governor’s Tribute to African American Leaders of Excellence, NYS Commissioner of Civil Service Merit Award, and Creative Excellence in Benefits Award (Nominee) and Who’s Who in the Kennesaw Business Association.
A New York native, Stephany currently lives in Georgia where she never misses an opportunity to travel with friends and family.
Social Media Links:
Email: authorsmtroye@gmail.com
Amazon Author: https://www.amazon.com/S-M-Troye/e/B091FTRPCP
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorsmtroye
Reviewed by: Mrs. N